Russia Directly Compared to Nazi Germany in Damning UN Monologue

Russian officials came under fire after Poland’s foreign minister on Tuesday compared the Kremlin’s actions in Ukraine to the behavior of Nazi Germany.

Moscow has repeatedly excused the invasion of its European neighbor by blaming NATO expansion and making baseless claims that Kiev is overrun by neo-Nazis in government.

Russian President Vladimir Putin even claimed that Moscow is conducting a “denazification” of Ukraine.

Last night, Polish Foreign Minister Radosław Sikorski pointed out at the United Nations General Assembly in New York that Russia’s actions are more like those of the Nazi regime than those of Ukraine.

“The Russian ambassador spoke about children’s cemeteries in Gaza, which is indeed a tragic situation,” he began.

“Well, Ukrainian children are being targeted, and not just with bombs.

“Thousands of people have been kidnapped and taken to Russia, where they are being brainwashed to rob them of the memories of their national identity.

“Russia claims these children are orphans, left alone in a war zone. Another lie.

“Many of them were separated by their parents, either accidentally during attacks or deliberately by the attacker’s army.”

Sikorski pointed out that these children were moved without their consent, used for propaganda, given Russian citizenship and placed with Russian families “lured” with money.

He also noted that Putin had signed a decree expediting Russian citizenship for “stolen Ukrainian children.”

“This was not collateral war damage. This was a plan, conceived before the war and ruthlessly executed,” the Polish minister claimed.

Sikorski noted that the UN has labeled these as war crimes and that an international arrest warrant has been issued for Putin for kidnapping children in Ukraine.

He then recalled how, during the Nazi regime, thousands of children in Poland were moved west to be “Germanized” if they were “deemed racially suitable.”

“How is what you do with kidnapped Ukrainian children different from what the German Nazis did with your children and ours?” he asked rhetorically.

“How many Russian officials have adopted stolen Ukrainian children?”

“When will you return the remaining thousands of stolen Ukrainian children to Ukraine?”

He added: “Are you aware that stealing the children of another country is tantamount to genocide, as confirmed by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe?”

He said: “This is Russia’s shame that will not be forgiven or forgotten.”

And to really emphasize his point, he showed Russia a photo of the Soviet and Nazi military parade in Poland after both countries invaded Poland in 1939. The Soviet Union did not turn against Nazi Germany until December 1941.

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