Charitable Contributions | Matt Mullenweg

I knew that if I went to war with Silver Lake, a $102 billion private equity firm, they would use every dirty trick possible to smear my name, investigate the opposing party, suggest I was a mafia boss trying to extort them, and so on.

I have kept my personal philanthropy private up until now. I would like to offer one piece of evidence for the public to consider, and that is the IRS accounting of my 501c3 charitable donations.

This is something I have tried to keep quiet, because true philanthropy is not about recognition. As you can see, my personal liquidity goes up and down, but I give back as much as I can.

  • 2011: $295,044.60
  • 2012: $401,121.00
  • 2013: $2,088,890.88
  • 2014: $98,648.00
  • 2015: $101,947.00
  • 2016: $42,300.00
  • 2017: $51,562.50
  • 2018: $606,957.68
  • 2019: $620,802.65
  • 2020: $607,452.48
  • 2021: $2,151,602.26
  • 2022: $2,780,054.20
  • 2023: $2,276,425.06

If Lee Wittlinger, who manages Silver Lake’s investments in the WordPress ecosystem, or Heather Brunner, the CEO of WP Engine, want to publish their charitable contributions over the past 12 years, they are free to do so.

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