New Book Review: The Pretenders of Copper County (Copper County #1) by May Archer

Reviewed by Sadonna

TITLE: The Pretenders of Copper County

SERIES: Copper County

AUTHOR: May Sagittarius

PUBLISHER: Self published

LENGTH: 348 pages

PUBLICATION DATE: September 24, 2024


It was supposed to be a simple protection job. Get the target out of Vermont, get him to the safe house, hold him there until his mob uncle testifies, get back in the good graces of my employer.

Boom, done. Easy.

But things quickly get complicated when your target is a cute, clumsy cutie with surprisingly little self-preservation, no idea he’s related to the mafia boss from Fromadgio, and 100% too much of a tendency to make small talk with strangers.

When Chris compromises our safehouse (and accidentally starts a “nondescript, unavoidable” bar fight), our only option is to go undercover… and pretend to be hosts at a campground in Copper County, New York.

Make it a married camping host. (Long story.)

Now I’m hiding with a man who’s obsessed with action movies and hand-knit sweaters, and whose greatest talent is plating charcuterie boards, all of which is a lot less useful in a gunfight than you might think.

And worst of all… the sweet little virgin I saved is starting to look cuter and cuter.

Somehow I find myself listening to his cheerful chatter when I should be looking out at the forest. Trying to figure out what he’s thinking when I should be trying to get us out of this mess. And appreciating the way he looks in my shirt when I should be focusing on getting my career back on track.

But when the enemies of the Fromadgios finally find us, protecting Chris is no longer just a job. I will do anything to protect what is mine… and there is nothing pretend about it.


Please note: While the “setting” of this story will be familiar to readers of Love in O’Leary And Sunday Brothers series, it works fine as a standalone. I do think though that if you haven’t read those series yet, this story will probably convince you to dive right in 😉

Chris Fromadgios is trying to figure things out 😉 He’s working at his uncle’s friend’s pub, while uncle Danny is in Alaska and out of touch. Things haven’t gone well. Chris seems to have a knack for getting himself into trouble – from blowing up barrels to getting in a car with a guy he thinks is a date, but who definitely isn’t 😀

Reed Sunday is very good at his job with the Division. His last job didn’t go so well, so he really wants this one to go well. He has to protect Chris, because his uncle Danny is not fishing in Alaska, but in protective custody. Chris thinks Reed has the wrong Krys when he goes with him to unknown places. There are two Chrises working in the pub and his uncle is a good guy. This can’t be right.

Meanwhile, Reed can’t believe the naivety he’s getting from Chris. He knows his guns and charcuterie? Turns out he used to work in the family cheese shop (and there are plenty of cheese puns). After Chris’ attempted escape and a bar brawl started by a drunken Chris, Reed hooks up with a friend to find a safe place to hide out with his protégé until the heat blows over and Uncle Danny has testified. But Reed’s buddy Oak finds a campground where they can stay and do some maintenance work in return.

When Reed and Chris arrive in Copper County, Watt, the neighbor from the campground who helped out until his orchard took up all his attention, congratulates the boys on their wedding and wishes them a happy honeymoon. What do you say? So Chris and Reed have to pretend they’re married. In the meantime, they stay in a one-bedroom cabin and of course Chris gets the bed. But someone Reed ends up in the bed every night. He’s really taking this protection thing to heart 😉

Reed has no choice but to care for Chris, who seems to be getting himself into trouble time and time again. Chris loves the cute little, very queer-friendly town of O’Leary. In fact, he seems to be friends with every queer person in town – much to Reed’s chagrin. Reed, for his part, fights his feelings and the pull of the surrounding towns and people for a while. But they’re too much for him and he eventually gives in. Between his cute, virginal protégé who’s more than he seems and Reed’s desire to finally put down roots, well, they’ve come to the right place 🙂

I can’t even express how much I loved this story. When I first read it The giftthe first book in the Love in O’Leary series, I knew this author was definitely for me. Then came Sunday Brothers series 🙂 And now we have a series that crosses over both plus a new twist! I was all in. First of all, Chris is the sweetest, most naive, adorable, sometimes clueless and sheltered character. The first quarter of the story is a bunch of hilarious misunderstandings and crossed wires between Chris and his protector/captor Reed. There are so many laugh out loud moments. but through it all, Reed can’t help but be charmed and protective of Chris who clearly needs a keeper 😉 When his buddy gives him a “safe house” but forgets to tell everyone that Chris and Reed just got married on their honeymoon, well, of course Chris goes nuts and Reed gets pretty possessive, especially around all of O’Leary’s hot men. LOL! Highly recommended. Fans of the May Archer stories will love this.




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