Uttarakhand: Hindu Jagran Manch, Rudra Sena, Vaidik Mission stand up against ‘Love Jihad’, rescue over 600 girls

DEHRADUN: Dehradun, the capital of Uttarakhand, and surrounding areas have seen a significant rise in alleged cases of “love jihad,” in which young, often underprivileged Hindu girls are lured into romantic relationships with the intention of converting to the faith. In response, several Hindu organizations have launched initiatives to combat the trend, with the aim of protecting vulnerable girls and preventing forced conversions. These groups, including Hindu Jagran Manch, Rudra Sena and Vaidik Mission, have mobilized their volunteers in the region to tackle what they see as a growing problem.

Alarming rise in cases of love jihad

Rakesh Tomar “Uttarakhandi,” a leader of Rudra Sena, alleges that Muslim men from neighboring regions are targeting girls, particularly from the Jaunsar Bawar tribal belt. He alleges that these men use fake identities and various manipulative tactics to lure underprivileged and minor girls into romantic relationships, ultimately exposing them to sexual exploitation. According to Tomar, after trapping these girls in their sinister plans, their abusers record videos and blackmail them, eventually forcing them to convert to Islam.

In a disturbing revelation, Tomar claimed that Rudra Sena had successfully rescued 38 girls from what he called the “clutches of love jihad” in the past two and a half years. These girls were reunited with their families and the organisation claims to have filed police reports as proof of their work. He further alleged that these cases often involve the girls being taken to areas like Pashwa Doon, Uttar Pradesh and Himachal Pradesh where they are further exploited.

Vaidik Mission’s Legal Battle

Jagdveer Saini, a key figure of Vaidik Mission, raised similar concerns. He said that the Pashwa Doon region has witnessed at least 43 such cases, many of which are currently under legal investigation. The organisation is actively fighting in the courts on behalf of four poor girls who, according to Saini, were victimised by Muslim men posing as potential romantic partners. He stressed that not only minors but even adult women are often influenced and cheated in such situations and become victims of love jihad.

Saini also raised concerns about cases of love jihad that go unreported, hidden in the folds of missing persons files that are closed without proper investigation. He fears that these missing girls who have fallen victim to love jihad have been forced into religious conversion or have fallen prey to human trafficking.

The continued efforts of Hindu Jagran Manch

Mukesh Anand, representing the Hindu Jagran Manch, stressed that their organisation has come across 585 cases of ‘love jihad’ in the last decade. He stressed that most of the victims were minors and that the organisation has played a major role in reuniting the victims with their families, while also providing them legal assistance.

Response from the government and the police

Dr Geeta Khanna, chairperson of the State Commission for Protection of Child Rights, expressed concern over the changing demographic landscape in Uttarakhand. She said that many Muslim men from outside the state have been involved in assaulting minor Hindu girls. Her committee has also dealt with numerous such cases.

Kusum Kandwal, chairperson of the Women’s Commission, acknowledged the growing trend of ‘love jihad’ and stressed that her office has directed the police to thoroughly investigate cases of missing women, considering the possibility of religious coercion or human trafficking.

Uttarakhand Director General of Police (DGP) Abhinav Kumar confirmed that the police have taken strict action against offenders involved in such cases, particularly under the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act. He revealed that numerous cases have been reported where minor girls were being exploited by persons from other communities, and the police have responded with appropriate legal action.

Political involvement

Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami has also taken a strong stand on the issue, declaring that incidents of “love jihad” and “land jihad” will not be tolerated in Uttarakhand. He assured the public that any case that surfaces will be dealt with swiftly and with serious legal consequences. His strong remarks come amid growing pressure from Hindu organisations to address what they see as an escalating threat to the social and religious fabric of the state.

Meanwhile, state authorities and police have promised to address these concerns through legal and investigative measures.

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