Harris is not the answer | Waukesha County Commentary

To the editor: I won’t worry if Trump is elected president; we’ve already seen it in action. Trump a threat to democracy? He did not collude with social media to censor speeches. Trump did not create an administration to deal with “misinformation” and thus control the flow of facts and opinions. He has not weaponized the Justice Department to prosecute political opponents and conservative parents. The Trump years were much more peaceful and clearly much less chaotic than the past three and a half years. He did not drag our country into new wars, and his Abraham Accords were an attempt to deter Iran and bring peace to the Middle East. He certainly had a much more controlled and secure border than Biden and “Border Czar” Harris.

Democratic voters put Biden and Harris in power, making them complicit in the chaos, crime and fear created by their progressive decisions and policies. MS-13 gangs and Venezuelan gangs have spread, our government has no idea how many terrorists have entered our country, and drug cartels are making billions of dollars while our citizens are overdosing and dying. Millions of illegal aliens have overloaded our healthcare, housing, education, justice, and social services with no end in sight, and the Democratic response is to spend more and raise taxes.

Democrats simply want the power to control other Americans in everything from choosing a car or appliance, our freedom of speech and right to self-defense, and how we live our lives. The mainstream media fully supports the Democrats and fans the flames of division along race, religion, class and culture. Democrats and their mainstream media hacks present a reality of “trust us, all is well, nothing to see here” and destroy Americans who have the audacity to disagree with the consequences of their disastrous and deadly policies.

Eric Muehl’s Waukesha

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