September 26 – Proof that Trump will win

Putin issues a nuclear warning to the West over attacks on Russia from Ukraine

MOSCOW (Reuters) -President Vladimir Putin warned the West on Wednesday that Russia could use nuclear weapons if hit with conventional missiles, and that Moscow would consider any attack on it backed by a nuclear force as a joint strike.

NATO prepares mass evacuation and rescue plans as Senior General warns of World War III with Russia

NATO is mobilizing its resources and strategic plans in anticipation of a potential all-out war, as expressed by Lieutenant General Alexander Sollfrank, head of NATO’s logistics command.

Our undermined governments have taken away our freedom

How the UN plans to control the world

P. Diddy and Jeffrey Epstein barely scratch the surface of America’s Elite Rot

Combs allegedly orchestrated what he called “freak offs”: drug-fueled orgies in which he coerced participants through threats of violence and allegedly filmed these encounters to blackmail his victims into silence. The allegations – human trafficking, abuse, coercion, drugging and non-consensual filming – are eerily similar to the Epstein case.

Furthermore, like Epstein, it took years of abuse and a mountain of accusations before law enforcement finally intervened. Combs, who is now on “suicide watch,” is facing charges in the notoriously corrupt Southern District of New York, the same jurisdiction that prosecuted Epstein’s case.

Joe Rogan has Hitler’s speech translated into English and it makes a lot of sense


McKenna- The reason we feel alienated is because society is infantile, trivial and stupid. So the price of sanity in this society is a certain level of alienation.

As society fragments, more and more people live alone: Calling all Lone Wolves out there

Read the comments. “I was a social butterfly until my late 40s, my spiritual awakening seemed to fend off friends and even family members until one day I woke up and looked in the mirror and saw a lone wolf staring back at me. It was an adjustment, but also the greatest blessing I could ever imagine.”

EXCLUSIVE! American terrorists fly into the US on private flights

What if I told you that the private airlines have lucrative contracts with the Department of Defense to ferry illegal immigrants, including known criminals, back and forth to their home countries again and again. Sonya LaBosco, a former US Federal Air Marshal, is here with this exclusive story.

We have a homelessness crisis. At the same time, they import migrants from the third world and provide them with room and board. How can this be tolerated?

Your phone is more than just listening to you

It seems that our smartphones are operating outside their so-called parameters without our knowledge. Nick joins me in arguing that these devices are causing further intrusions and intrusions on our bodies and minds in ways we may not have imagined.

Norman Finkelstein: “Israel is a crazy state”

Finkelstein makes it clear that the world should be afraid now…Not because Israel is bad, but rather because it is insane. He calls it a “crazy juggernaut.”

He is certain that Bibi & Co. cannot be stopped and will now pull out all the stops against Hezbollah and Iran, simply because they will never have this optimal coincidence of events again.


“Covid-19”, Psychological Operations, and the War for Technocracy by David A. Hughes

Part 1

In this book, David Hughes documents the development and use of a wide range of soft and hard (and often invisible) weapons to brutally manipulate minds and emotions to bring about the adoption of technocracy. The first step to not becoming a victim is to see clearly these weapons of war of the 21st century. Hughes’s formidable scholarship will help you with that. ~

David A. Hughes is a Senior Lecturer in International Relations at the University of Lincoln. He received his bachelor’s and master’s degrees from the University of Oxford and holds doctorates in German Studies (Duke University) and International Relations (Oxford Brookes University). His research focuses on psychological warfare, ‘9/11’, ‘Covid-19’, the deep state, technocracy, global class relations and resurgent totalitarianism. Camouflaged by ‘Covid-19’, an undeclared global class war began in 2020, aimed at replacing liberal democracy with technocracy, a new, biodigital form of totalitarianism. The opening campaign included the largest psychological operation in history, designed to demoralize, disorient and weaken the public. This book is about the use of shock and stress, trauma-based mind control, the use of fear and threat, cognitive attacks, weaponized deception and techniques to turn society against itself.

Lena Petrova– Economic crash looms: Moody’s predicts further economic deterioration unless cuts are made

Satanists are concerned with sustainability, except when it comes to fiscal sustainability


Indian and Chinese foreign ministers in the recent Masonic handshake. It’s all a charade.

The speech that cost Solzhenitsyn everything | Harvard commencement address 1978

Highlighted the West’s moral decline rather than praising it as a champion of ‘freedom’

That was the speech that cost Solzhenitsyn money and adoration from the Western elite. Were these things highly appreciated by Solzhenitsyn? If he did not desire these things, the speech cost him nothing. The resistance showed the arrogance and intolerance of Western elites; they just didn’t want to hear anything other than that they were perfect.


NHS whistleblower: ‘We were ordered to euthanise patients to inflate the COVID-19 death toll while hospitals sat empty!’

The whistleblower also confirmed that what little care was given during the pandemic amounted to negligence and that the government and NHS bosses essentially told staff to let people die, or in some cases kill them through ‘End of Life Care’ program and falsely labeling the deaths. due to Covid-19.

Men applaud an attractive young blonde who says women should make men feel appreciated.

Women realize they NEED men! Men are programmed to protect and provide, as well as to provide sexual pleasure. Communists tricked women into forfeiting all that.


Deagel’s ties to Deep State Exposed!!

During his lifetime, Dr. Edwin served as Assistant to the Secretary of Defense and Deputy Secretary of Defense. He also served as Director of International Relations for The Rockefeller Foundation, an influential global philanthropic organization.

And current real-world data on deaths in the West, including death rates per 100,000, which show that the quadruple vaccinated are more likely to die from any cause than the unvaccinated, strongly suggest that Deagel’s depopulation prediction is not just an estimate is, but in fact: a target on course to be hit thanks to the deadly consequences of the vaccination against Covid-19.

Alex Newman – New UN Pact for the Future boosts globalism

UNITED NATIONS — Governments and dictators from around the world met in New York and adopted a comprehensive agreement to expand and further strengthen the United Nations. The controversial declaration adopted by the UN General Assembly, known as the ‘Pact for the Future’, is seen by the UN and its member governments as a quantum leap for the cause of globalism.

In short, the UN is becoming “UN 2.0,” as the organization’s top leaders put it. But at least in the United States, lawmakers, governors and grassroots leaders are growing increasingly uneasy about what they see as a historic power grab, leaving many attendees at the U.N. summit on edge as Donald Trump prepares for a possible return to the United States. White House.


Is this real?

United Nations Directive 001, The Beginning of the New World Order, in our calendar year of July 4, 2025.

“Effective March 17, 2025, the former United States of America has transferred its military and police forces to the United Nations for control and responsibility, and they will be disbanded or integrated into our United Nations global armed forces as soon as possible. The United States of America, the last country to transfer authority to the United Nations Security Council, has caused untold problems and delays to our United Nations plans, and will soon bear the brunt of swift and decisive action.

“We recognize that some armed resistance from some police, military and veterans groups, as well as from groups and individuals with various other patriotic beliefs or even from anarchists, is to be expected. These people or groups will be eliminated by your own forces. , or by the forces assigned by our United Nations Military Command. All nuclear, biological and chemical weapons are now under the control of the United Nations, and will be used in those areas where resistance proves to take too long, or becomes too expensive in terms of manpower. Those who think they can take a 30/30 rifle or .22 pistol/rifle and oppose us are sadly mistaken, as biological and chemical use is permitted for all areas of the former United States of America.

TBS = Total nonsense. Or should it be; TURBS = Total Unlimited Nonsense”

TURBS. That will work! It is life under the foot of Rothschild Judaism.

Why haven’t the ‘covid’ perpetrators been hanged yet? I wonder: why is it taking so long? I don’t think a thousand gallows can be built so quickly. There are not many qualified Gallows Builders. And the materials are scarce, especially rope. But then there are firing squads; that would be easier.

British bank NatWest uses Carbon Tracker to monitor and address customers’ meat purchases

London-based NatWest, which is considered part of the ‘big four’ clearing banks in the UK, uses a carbon footprint tracker of its customers to monitor their meat purchases and tries to convince them to buy alternatives.

In 2021, the megabank launched a free carbon footprint tracking app in partnership with carbon tracking company CoGo, which links carbon emissions to customers’ purchases and provides ‘hints and tips on how to go greener and the resources to do so,” NatWest said in a press release. “Users will be able to record their commitments and changes in behavior.”

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