Mafia | Viaplay Content Distribution | Screenings


Mafia is a six-episode crime series inspired by actual events. It unfolds the transformation of Sweden in the 1990s, evolving from a relatively quiet nation, untouched by organized crime, to a country characterized by intense gang conflicts and violent gun battles. The series also delves into the life of infamous gangster Radovan “Jakov” Jakovic and chronicles his journey from poverty to riches.

Opposing Jakov is a police officer named Gunn Philak, a dedicated officer who recognizes that cigarette smuggling revenue will build a full-fledged mafia in Sweden. However, her struggle is not limited to fighting a notorious criminal gang; she also comes into conflict with her own law enforcement agency, which does not understand the gravity of her perspective. Gunn faces a complete lack of understanding about her belief that the cigarette business should be treated more seriously than armed bank robberies.

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