The report exposes a network of black market drug cartels powered by the FDA and USPS

A Mexico-based network of black market drug cartels is fueling a growing wave of unlimited, do-it-yourself abortions in the United States, aided by both a permissive Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and a lax U.S. Postal Service . Service (USPS).

This finding comes from a report released Wednesday by the pro-life American Life League (ALL), whose national director highlighted in a statement how ubiquitous women and girls across America are performing their own do-it-yourself abortions — including although many states have passed pro-life abortion laws. legislation since the U.S. Supreme Court ruling Roe v. Wade in 2022.

Katie Brown from ALL said:

Clearly the FDA has dropped the ball on this one. As the government agency charged with monitoring drugs coming into this country, they have failed. And where is the USPS? The post office is supposed to check packages for illegal items, yet black market abortion drugs are shipped to every state.

In ‘Beneath the Surface: Exposing the Abortion Pill Drug Cartel’, ALL describes the operation of the Mexico-based Las Libresan organization that describes itself as an organization that “promotes women’s human rights and universal access to abortion.”

The group is one of several “community partner networks,” including abortion providers and abortion activists who serve as drug dealers, trafficking the two abortion-inducing drugs mifepristone and misoprostol. The networks operate illegally through the Internet and USPS to send the drugs to customers – young girls and women who perform their own abortions at home and in college dorms without medical supervision.

“Abortion regulations have not and will not work to prevent abortion pills from being sold,” ALL pointed out, also noting that the pills come from unregulated and unvalidated suppliers, increasing the risk that they “ are laced with other drugs and chemicals.”

“There is no way to verify this when abortion pills are shipped through a third-party distributor, from all over the world, and with little to no oversight,” the report said:

This method allows traffickers and abusers to continue their abuse because, without the consent and knowledge of the woman and with few questions from the distributor, they can easily obtain these pills and give them to their victim to kill her baby, thus her pregnancy is erased.

It says on its homepage Las Libres shows its one simple button: “Get abortion pills.”

The group directs girls and women to visit Plan C’s website to learn how to secretly obtain abortion pills, even in states that have passed laws protecting the unborn from abortion.

“We recommend using a Proton Mail account for security (yours and ours),” the Plan C instructions say. “Open a free account here. Email [email protected] to request pills. In the subject line of the email, write ‘Request for (your first name)’… Please include the first day of your last menstrual period in the email. No other information is needed. You will receive instructions for ordering.”

Las Libres claims in its FAQs that the abortion-inducing drugs are “safer than Tylenol for most people.”

“In fact, it is safer to have an abortion than to continue a pregnancy to term,” the group states, repeating a common false claim by abortion activists that pregnancy is “dangerous” for women.

“An abortion will not affect your future fertility and you will never have to tell anyone (even your healthcare providers) that you have used them,” Las Libres claims, which lure women with a positive twist.

However, just a few paragraphs later, the group admits to women and girls who perform their own abortions – often alone – that “(Elvian) pain and cramps are probably your first symptom after taking the pills in step 2. It can be quite difficult are. severe, keep you from normal activities and last 24 to 48 hours.

“It is normal to have bleeding that is similar to or heavier than your period,” the group also emphasizes. “You get blood clots and tissue build up, and this can last 24 hours or more.”

After undermining the claim that do-it-yourself abortion is easy and safe, pro-abortion activists then acknowledge the risk of ectopic pregnancy:

The abortion pills do not work if you have an ectopic pregnancy (pregnancy outside the uterus, usually in the fallopian tubes). Ectopic pregnancies are rare, but if you currently have an IUD, if you have a history of a previous ectopic pregnancy or tubal surgery, you are at increased risk for an ectopic pregnancy. Contact your healthcare provider if you have not had any bleeding 24 hours after taking the abortion pills. An untreated ectopic pregnancy can cause serious complications.

While Las Libres suggests that girls and women who experience medical complications as a result of their do-it-yourself abortions – such as excessive bleeding – seek medical attention, the group also encourages them to lie to medical providers – apparently to harm both them and the members of to protect the abortion activist groups themselves:

Tell all intake and medical staff that you think you are having a miscarriage. Do not reveal that you have used abortion medications; they absolutely cannot know this. The pills are not visible in blood tests or scans. ER staff can provide proper medical care after a miscarriage without knowing that you have taken pills. This also applies to interactions or consultations with your doctor or gynecologist: you do not have to tell them that your miscarriage was self-inflicted.

To be safe, you should delete messages and emails about your abortion from your phone.

The pro-abortion Guttmacher Institute reported in March that 63% of all U.S. abortions by 2023 would be performed via pills alone. ALL also noted that Planned Parenthood CEO Alexis McGill Johnson wrote in March that “nearly 70% of abortion patients at Planned Parenthood Health centers choose medication abortion over in-clinic abortion.”

ALL’s Brown called this trend toward do-it-yourself abortion “disturbing.”

“These unsupervised procedures – performed in-house without constant medical supervision – are incredibly traumatic and dangerous for women,” she stated:

Even legitimately distributed abortion pills come with an FDA warning about potentially fatal infections. The Journal of Family Planning and Reproductive Health Care reports that many women who have taken these medications report extreme stress and trauma caused by expelling their dead baby’s body alone at home, after days of nausea, severe cramping and bleeding. The FDA and the USPS should care enough to intervene in this illegal importation of the dangerous DIY abortion drugs.

Read ALL’s full report here.

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