Queen Silvia receives a thank you from the Ukrainian First Lady

Queen Silvia was in New York this week with the World Childhood Foundation and received praise from Ukrainian First Lady Olena Zelenska on Thursday for her inspiring work.

First Lady Zelenska posted on her social media accounts about her meeting with Queen Silvia and Princess Madeleine at the UN General Assembly.

She wrote: “It was a pleasure to meet Her Majesty Queen Sylvia and Her Royal Highness Princess Madeleine on the grounds of the United Nations General Assembly in New York to thank them for all they do for Ukraine.”

First Lady Zelenska added that Queen Silvia has been supporting Ukraine’s children since the Russian invasion began four years ago. The World Childhood Foundation, she wrote, “participates in the implementation of alternative forms of care for those who have lost their families (and) provides financial support for the mental well-being of Ukrainian children.”

Queen Silvia and Princess Madeleine met with First Lady Zelenska in New York on Wednesday, where they heard more about how the country is working to support children’s rights during reconstruction.

The Ukrainian First Lady also announced that the fourth Summit of the First Ladies and Gentlemen – a collective of the world’s first ladies and gentlemen – have focused their efforts this year on programming similar to that of the World Childhood Foundation, and praised Queen Silvia as a pioneer of the field.

She wrote: “The outcome of the fourth Summit of First Ladies and Gentlemen was the announcement of a joint statement aimed at unifying efforts to protect children. Our delegation is now presenting the document developed on the basis of Ukraine to the UN, so that it becomes an effective tool for anyone who wants to actively protect children. Like the Queen of Sweden does, for example.”

For her part, Queen Silvia said in an interview with SVT ThatOlena Zelenska gives hope to Ukraine.”

Queen Silvia and Princess Madeleine arrived in New York on Wednesday for meetings with the World Childhood Foundation. On Wednesday evening they attended a dinner for the 25 of the Foundatione anniversary, where Queen Silvia gave a speech.

She said: “Our work is far from over. We can’t stop until every child is safe.

“As we celebrate 25 years of progress this year, we renew our commitment to this fight. With courage and determination, we will continue to drive change. Together we will ensure that every child can grow up in a world free from child sexual abuse and exploitation.”

On Thursday, Queen Silvia and Princess Madeleine attended meetings with the American chapter of the Foundation. They will attend a board meeting on Friday.

Princess Madeleine worked specifically for the American branch in early 2010 and lived in the United States the entire time before returning to Sweden in the summer.

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