The police dismantle three criminal gangs suspected of burglaries and theft

Police have announced that they have dismantled three criminal gangs suspected of being behind a wave of burglaries and other robberies around Attica and as far away as Laconia, Fthiotida, Viotia and Evia.

One of the gangs involved up to fourteen people and was active from April to August. From their base in Vlychos, outside Megara, the gang stole copper from photovoltaic parks or stole money and other items from companies.

The gang members operated at night in stolen cars from which the license plates had been stolen from other vehicles. After each robbery, they abandoned the vehicles and set them on fire.

The second gang, consisting of at least four members, was also based near Megara. The focus was on burglaries in Megara, Alepochori and Evia, mainly in holiday homes.

By breaking open doors or patio doors when the house was empty, or taking advantage of unsecured doors and windows while the residents were inside, they forced their way in and took sums of money, gold and other objects, which they sometimes stuffed in pillowcases. took along. .

The third gang, which had at least nine members and was based in Aspropyrgos, operated mainly in Attica, Phthiotida, Corinthia and Laconia. The modus operandi was similar to that of the second gang.

During police searches of the suspects’ homes, a rifle, cartridges, €3,000 and a quantity of jewelry were found.

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