PTI leadership ordered by Imran Khan to stop all negotiations with the establishment

PTI leadership ordered by Imran Khan to stop all negotiations with the establishment

Islamabad, Sep 27 (UNI) Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) founder and former Prime Minister Imran Khan has asked the party leadership to refrain from any attempt to negotiate with the establishment. He says talks will not only strengthen their enemies, but also strengthen their enemies. according to media reports.

“There is no point in getting involved with the establishment. The more we go back, the more they crush us. It is not the policy of the institution but that of the third referee,” Khan noted while speaking to the media at the Adiala prison, where he is now spending a year.

Looking back on his incarceration, Khan rejected the idea that he would break under duress. They thought I wouldn’t survive the isolation and that I would collapse. I am alone for 21-22 hours every day. I’m sweating so much from the heat that my clothes are falling apart. They have no idea how athletes train; we are programmed to persevere under duress.

Drawing historical parallels, Khan highlighted how Japanese institutions survived the atomic bombs and allowed the country to recover. A nation prospers when its morals and institutions remain strong. But in this case the ‘extension mafia’ is destroying both for profit. The future of the country and the institutions that support it are being destroyed by the Gang of Three, according to The Express Tribune.

He mentioned the Hamoodur Rahman Commission report and cited it as an example of how one man’s power-hungry nature destroyed Pakistan’s democracy and led to the loss of East Pakistan.

The fiasco in Dhaka not only cost us billions, but also resulted in the arrest of 90,000 soldiers and the deaths of 50,000 Pakistanis. The committee’s report was not hidden but kept as an educational tool, the report said.

Khan also said on Saturday that he would not hold a rally in Rawalpindi without government permission. “Tomorrow our lawyers will also demonstrate in front of the Supreme Court.” (Chief Justice) Qazi Faez Isa is with them; this has been established. Along with Sikandar Sultan Raja, he is a player for them; the third referee is their captain, responsible for everything.

Khan compared the current political situation to that in Palestine, saying that Western countries are deliberately delaying a ceasefire to oppress the Palestinians. “They have the same goal: to crush us.”

Khan insisted that he did not benefit financially from the Al-Qadir Trust affair. “They claim we have benefited from a £190 million adjustment, but there is no evidence to support this claim. The real estate mogul donated the land to the trust, the same way he donated millions to the Shaukat Khanum Hospital, which rakes in ten billion rupees a year.

Regarding party leader Ali Amin Gandapur, Khan reiterated that Gandapur and the rest of the leadership had been instructed not to engage in negotiations with the authorities. Since the days of Bajwa, they have advised us to avoid the discussion of neutrality. They crush us more and more as we go backwards. Not the institution, but the policy of the third arbitrator is the following.

Khan further demanded that Justice Mansoor Ali Shah, the top judge, be appointed as the next Chief Justice of the country and that this appointment be made as soon as possible. “The Constitution requires the Supreme Court to be appointed, and there are only 30 days left. Isa’s appointment was announced three months in advance, but they were still hesitant to make headlines.”





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