NYSP: Catskill man arrested for child sex abuse images

CATSKILL, N.Y. (NEWS10) — A Catskill man was arrested by state police Tuesday following an investigation into child abuse images. Giovanni Fascella, 57, faces multiple charges.

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According to Troopers, Facella is accused of promoting and possessing images consistent with child sexual exploitation. Prior to his arrest, an investigation led to Troopers serving a search warrant at his former residence in Coeymans in May 2022.

The research emerged from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. In a joint effort between Latham State Police, the Troop G Computer Crimes Unit, the Internet Crimes Against Children Taskforce and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Fascella was arrested at his home in Catskill.

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  • Promoting a sexual performance by a child, a class D misdemeanor
  • Possession of a Sexual Performance by a Child, a class E misdemeanor

After his arrest, Fascella was brought before the Coeymans court. He was later remanded to the Albany County Correctional Facility, where he is being held without bail.

Facella was previously convicted of the same charges in March 2022 for a 2020 felony. He was sentenced to ten years’ probation and is listed as a Level 2 registered sex offender.

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