India Junk’s Pakistani attempt to stir up the Kashmir issue at the UNGA

Permanent Mission of India to the United Nations, Bhavika Mangalanandan criticizes Pakistan at the United Nations General Assembly on Friday (September 27, 2024) |

India took action against Pakistan at the United Nations General Assembly in New York on Friday (local time), as it strongly condemned Pakistan in a ‘right of reply’ statement after Pakistani Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif raised the issue of Jammu and Kashmir had mentioned. India said it was hypocritical to Pakistan, which has a “global reputation for terrorism”, to lecture India, the world’s largest democracy.

The First Secretary of the Permanent Mission of India to the United Nations, Bhavika Mangalanandan, slammed Pakistan as she told the meeting that Pakistan has in the past “used terrorism to disrupt elections in Jammu and Kashmir”.

“The truth is that Pakistan covets our territory and has consistently used terrorism to disrupt elections in Jammu and Kashmir, an inalienable and integral part of India. Reference has been made to some proposals for strategic restraint,” she said.

“This meeting unfortunately witnessed a travesty this morning. A country ruled by the military, with a global reputation for terrorism, narcotics, trafficking and transnational crime, has had the audacity to attack the world’s largest democracy. I am talking about the reference to India in the Pakistan Prime Minister’s speech,” Mangalanandan said.

During her statement, the Chief Secretary mentioned the 2008 Mumbai terror attacks and the 2001 terror attacks on the Indian Parliament

“Pakistan has long used cross-border terrorism as a weapon against its neighbors,” Mangalanandan said.

“It has attacked our parliament, our financial capital Mumbai, market places and pilgrimage routes. The list is long,” she said.

“For such a country to talk about violence anywhere is hypocrisy at its worst. It is even more exceptional for a country with a history of rigged elections to also talk about political choices in a democracy,” the Indian diplomat said.

Genocide of 1971

India reported the Bangladesh genocide that Pakistani forces committed in 1971 in what was then East Pakistan.

“It is ridiculous that a nation that committed genocide in 1971 and which even now ruthlessly persecutes its minorities, dares to talk about bigotry and phobias… The world can see with its own eyes what Pakistan really is. We’re talking about a nation that has long hosted Osama bin Laden.”

What Pakistan said earlier

Pakistan has raised the issue of Jammu and Kashmir at various global forums while supporting terrorism in the state that is now a union territory.

During the ongoing UNGA session, Pakistan Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif demanded that India roll back the abrogation of Article 370.

“Instead of pursuing peace, India has reneged on its commitments to implement Security Council resolutions on Jammu and Kashmir. These resolutions mandate the people of Jammu and Kashmir to exercise their fundamental right to self-determination. Since August 5, 2019, India has taken unilateral illegal steps to impose what its leaders frankly call a final solution for Jammu and Kashmir,” Shehbaz Sharif alleged.

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