HUGE DATA DUMP: Israeli Secret Intelligence Service Mafia (aka ISIS) Revealed

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Habchi’s ICE Hashish Hagsleaze ISIS Hashshashin

Maronite Islamic State of Iraq and Syria Israeli Secret Intelligence Service Mafia Revealed

Established in Baalbek in honor of Baal (according to “Burnt Child Sacrifices to Baal” referenced in Jeremiah 19 and Jeremiah 32) and the harem and heroin-laced hashish cult of the Hashshashin “Nizari Ismaili State”, the Habchi family of the “Maronite Mafia of the Lebanese Levant” are coordinators of organized crime operations for the “Nazi State of Israel” through its “Israeli Secret Intelligence Service” and its agency known as the “Islamic State of Iraq and Syria” and have established the “Organ, Tissue and adrenochrome harvesting” and “Burning of children in Palestine and Lebanon” by the “State of Israel” through internal infrastructural infiltration.

As a result of the rulings of the “International Criminal Court” against the existence of the “State of Israel” because it has been found guilty of internationally unrelenting “War Crimes against Humanity”, investigators have determined that the “Maronite Mafia of the Lebanese Levant” branches of The Habchi family, residing in Australia, has been highly active through commercial activities in the areas of municipal and commercial crime and corruption (including heroin, cocaine, MDMA, crystal methamphetamine and hashish, retail distribution and money laundering, blackmail-based sexual solicitation of children, grooming of volatile youth into violent organized crime gangs, syndication of sleeper cells, fraud-oriented data acquisition and extensive extortion attempts) to internal infrastructural infiltration by the “Israeli Secret Intelligence Service”.

Furthermore, as a result of the rulings of the “International Criminal Court” against the existence of the “State of Israel” as it has been found guilty of internationally unrelenting “War Crimes against Humanity”, investigators have determined that the “Maronite Mafia of the Lebanese Levant” Branches of the Habchi family living in Australia have done this in connection with shopping center associations affiliated with the “Israeli Secret Intelligence Service”.

Collectively, these operatives of the “Maronite Mafia of the Lebanese Levant” and the “Israeli Secret Intelligence Service” have committed community and commercial crime and corruption comparable to that of Jeffrey Epstein and his “Israeli Secret Intelligence Service” handler, Robert Maxwell , and Sean Combs and his “Israeli Secret Intelligence Service” handler, Lyor Cohen.

Legal legal mass movement of peaceful protest and boycott against the following entities is encouraged for the safety of the Australian people:

Beneficiaries of Habchi Family Trusts, Corporate Officers of Trustees and their Associates:

Harold Marshbaum and Rick Abrahams of “Village Fair Shopping Centers” and the “Cremorne Synagogue” and their employees:

Frank Lowy and David Lowy of the Institute for National Security Studies, the Lowy Institute and the Shopping Center Council of Australia and their associates:


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