September 28, 2024: The Magnitude is Dawning (videos) – Starship Earth: The Big Picture


If you crave truth and can handle it, you should be a happy camper. Nasty truths about untold numbers of appalling things are gushing out now and the magnitude of the crimes committed on our planet is beginning to sink in for those who haven’t been paying attention for very long.

We are watching the collapse and disintegration of the satanic systems through which the controllers have ruled over us for centuries, and we’re watching it in real time. As the minutes tick by, we are that much closer to birthing a new race of Humans, a new world, a new reality free of the constraints and manipulation of evil.

The comms are very specific. The ad for “Trump watches” indicates 10 and 2, which we take to mean October 2 which will doubtless be the kickoff to a wild month.


Since Julian Assange is due to say his piece on October 1st, that would make sense, as we know Julian has very disruptive information to divulge from his Wikileaks days. People will begin to see a pattern as to how the dark cabal jails or imprisons their political adversaries. They controlled everything; politicians, law enforcement, military, the Justice Department, judges, the courts, laws, attorneys, jails, etc.

We anticipate his status will be cleared so he is credible, and I suppose this process makes it all official and inarguable for whatever information he reveals thereafter in his role in disclosure. He is part of the “we have it all” portion of ‘The Plan’.

Assange will be addressing the human rights organization Council of Europe next week. He will be providing evidence on Oct. 1 to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) in Strasbourg. The appearance comes as PACE determined in a recently released report that he was a political prisoner and that he served a “lengthy detention in a high-security prison despite the political nature of the most severe charges against him”.

Read more on “The Hill”.


Trump’s address in Walker, Michigan explained it as Q stated. We cannot allow the People to go back to sleep. We have to keep them fully engaged. Dave at News Treason posted the following:

He continues to tell us all why “it had to be this way”…

“The only good thing that did happen with this four-year disaster is that the people will understand when we fix our country – they’ll be much more understanding than they would have been if we just went straight ahead and did it”

🟨 Translation: “THE SWAMP RUNS DEEP.
You must show them.
Only then, at the precipice, will people find the will to change (to participate).”

Can it get any crazier? Let’s remember that not everything we see or hear in the “news” is real. Things can be fabricated and simulated to suit the purpose.

We remind people of the words of the infamous Bill Cooper.

They are certainly setting it all up for WWIII.

Attacks on planes is part of the chatter on social media. Tore says included a few posts about that on Telegram, including the one below. If you’re not familiar with Tore, she worked for the US government and has been telling truths about various aspects and people for several years now, including in her podcasts. She knows of what she speaks, has good contacts, and has been proven correct many times. Tore says…

Like I said the stuff uncovered is so deadly.
So corrupt.
So henious.
So many have died already.

They will pay the piper …
Cause I said so.

Good thing others now got the information to the authorities WE gave it to.

I was also right about the fake cat Springfield and said Vance started it .. was right again and the information of how HIS plane is doesn’t have the vulnerable parts Trump force does — is also fact—right Peter? You gave the angry care bear his plane.

We can thank our elected officials both left and right, corrupt
Military, and more for
Selling our tech to our enemies create missiles to combat all our planes ..
fun fact- these compromised electronics… also on Altas V and The ISS – are they still Stuck?
If you knew the truth you wouldn’t be able to stomach it.

Never be concerned about going against the grain when you speak TRUTH . Never- ever yield to pressure.

In the end they all sing TRUTH to survive .


If you’re not on Telegram, you may have missed this election law update:

BREAKING: A federal judge in Arizona just ruled that the Democrat Secretary of State can NOT certify the results of the 2024 election if any counties withhold certification due to fraud

“Plaintiffs allege that the plain terms of the Canvass Provision require the Secretary to nullify a county’s votes if the county board of supervisors fails to timely canvass… Considering the above, the Court finds that Plaintiffs have plausibly alleged a severe burden on their right to vote. The right to vote is fundamental.” – Judge Michael T. Liburdi

In 2022, the Cochise County Board of Supervisors voted to stall certification so they could investigate the fraud that took place. Democrats threatened them with lawsuits, forcing them to certify under duress. Wanting to stop that from happening again in 2024, Corrupt Secretary of State Adrian Fontes added a new provision to the Election Procedure Manual, mandating the certification of statewide results by tossing out the votes from counties that withheld certification.

I was wondering if the White Hat strategy to allow the enemy sickos to rant and tell lies was going to work but it seems to be. The People, thanks to Trump exposing the criminals, know the truth when they hear it, and they know who the criminals are. This, below, is indeed laughable—and on September 17, no less. From Natural News Telegram.

LAUGHABLE: Hillary Clinton demands CRIMINAL CHARGES for Americans spreading “disinformation”

Failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton wants Americans spreading what she calls “disinformation” to be slapped with criminal charges.

She voiced this out during a Sept. 17 appearance on “The Rachel Maddow Show” on MSNBC. According to the former first lady, holding American individuals accountable through civil or criminal charges could serve as a warning to deter the distribution of “disinformation.”

Clinton also acknowledged the importance of indicting foreign actors, namely the Russians, who are responsible for what she dubs as election interference. However, Americans who play a role in amplifying disinformation shouldn’t be overlooked, she added.

I don’t think I can watch the video linked below because my stomach churns when I see or hear these imposters but… their words give them away and the American People aren’t having it. You can watch the video at the link below.

Hillary Clinton suggests jailing Americans for posting “misinformation”
We will divide society so that 1/3 are spies and informers that will keep the rest under observation –


All week since the arrest of Diddy we have heard of celebrities completely deleting their social media accounts—particularly Twitter/X. Somewhere I heard it was because of their code language and if anyone figured out their code, their posts would be incriminating for the monsters.

If you’re like me and you’ve given up trying to figure everything out and just let events flow over you and accept whatever happens, you may be interested in the news around some of the areas swept by Hurricane Helene. I’ve seen more than one person refer to the dark energies in North Carolina. There are plenty of articles online about it. I either didn’t know or forgot because it’s news to me.

The witchcraft is strong in the NC mountains . The Reynolds family name is strong here . Look up Nathan Reynolds. Snatched from the flames .

There is a 3-min video and and links to articles at The Phaser linked below. That thumbnail on the video is familiar.



Is your mind reeling, trying to figure out what we can expect between now and November 5? Redacted gives us a hint.

That’s not fear porn, it’s a realistic look at potentialities in a time of war and we need to prepare our minds. We know the Khazarian mafia is backed into a corner and are beyond desperate. They are using distractions to take our attention away from important things; their crimes, the election and what must be done to secure it and get Americans engaged and informed enough—STEAMED enough—to go and vote, even if it means enduring the hours of delays due to malfunctioning Dominion voting machines and other shenanigans the Demonrats pulled off in 2020.

No one is buying their crap any more and the People know the fate of the nation is in their own hands. They MUST do something to thwart the thugs trying to steal their elections and their country out from under them. It must be done peacefully and methodically, honourably, honestly, and emphatically. No nonsense, no quarter. This is the end game and it’s going to be a barn-burner.

The cards we can’t see are held close to the vest of the Alliance, so they’re all wild cards to us. Isn’t this exciting? We’re making history and we need to be prepared for anything, as much as that is possible. All eyes are on America right now. This is the main event and it’s going to be a TKO.


In the Southeast of USA, you might want to prepare for Hurricane Kirk. Isn’t this interesting. Not a question.

The devastation reported from Helene even in states outside Florida was unbelievable. The amount of water was literally unfathomable after two dams burst and a hospital having to evacuate to the roof with water half way up the ambulances. I’ve never seen anything like it. We hope people were prepared, evacuated to a safe place, and they can get back to their homes soon to clean up the mess.


To take the edge off the tension, because we’re on the edge of our seats every day now, we have the soothing tones and wisdom of Kerry K to bring it down a notch as she explains timelines and how it works at the point of Ascension or the Event Flash. She explains that there have been multiple ascension attempts before and we didn’t quite make it.

That situation is what had me mesmerized by the Moody Blues’ song, “The Voice” lyrics, “How many times will it be this way? With your arms around the future, and your back up against the past”.  It haunts me. As I innerstand it, this will be the last time in this realm for us. There is no question we will be successful this time because we have legions of assistance to ensure it does, and God’s creation will take care of the rest. Fascinating and uplifting. Must listen. 25 min.

That’s all for today. The energies must be extreme because for some reason I barely slept last night. There is so much I would like to share but before I can nab one item another or two more have popped into view and I am missing a lot. It’s too much for my little pea-brain to process and hold. It’s okay. I know you’re on top of it and will find what you’re meant to know.

Enjoy whatever peace you have found in this maelstrom of information, disinformation, and chaotic battles in the last war. It ends here. If you are awake and informed (and haven’t sought refuge in the looney bin), you will be called upon to assist others. Nothing you can’t handle—you were born for this.  ~ BP

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