Trump calls Harris ‘mentally retarded’ in anti-migrant speech

Trump calls Harris 'mentally retarded' in anti-migrant speech

Donald Trump is doubling down on spreading unhinged lies that the United States is “occupied” by migrants, apparently — as he claimed Saturday in Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin — in “hundreds of cities” across the Midwest. Trump continued to promote the idea that if he doesn’t win the election, “you’re going to lose your culture.”

Criticism of migrants and the border has been central to Trump’s campaign, although he stepped up his rhetoric on Saturday to focus mainly on exploiting unfounded fears of a “mass invasion of migrants.” He appeared in front of a backdrop with the words “Expel Illegals Now” and “End Migrant Crime” written in several places.

Trump claimed that President Joe Biden and Vice President and Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris both suffered from intellectual disabilities. “Joe Biden has become mentally retarded,” he said. “Kamala was born that way. And when you think about it, only a mentally retarded person could have let this happen to our country.” He added that more terrorists have entered the United States under the Biden-Harris administration. “We have some of the biggest terrorists in the world in our country right now,” he said. However, this claim has been refuted.

Trump played an alarming role to a crowd in a small Wisconsin town where he said criminal migrants were rampant. “You’re talking about parts of the Midwest where they become famous because they’re occupied, and these are hundreds of small towns and villages – they’re petrified, and their law enforcement is petrified. You have a sheriff and a deputy, or you have a small group, and you have a group of Venezuelan killers, street gangs occupying the city with MK-47s,” he claimed (he probably meant AK-47s). “I know this weapon very well,” he continued. “I knew him very well. I quickly became an expert in weapons.

He also brought up Springfield, Ohio again, where he and his running mate, J.D. Vance, spent weeks spreading baseless lies about the city’s Haitian immigrants, most of whom are legally in the United States. On Saturday he said: “In Ohio, in Springfield, they don’t speak English. They take over schools. No one speaks English and the mayor is looking for interpreters. Editor’s choice

“They are evil monsters in our government who are also stupid people,” Trump said, referring to the current administration. “They are cruel, but they are stupid, which is a very dangerous combination. Today I stand before you to make this promise. I will rid Wisconsin of this massive migrant invasion of murderers, rapists, thugs, drug dealers, thugs and vicious gang members. We will liberate our country. I will free our nation. Our nation will be free again if we win these elections,” he said. Tendency

Wisconsin is a key election battleground, and a recent New York Times/Sienna College poll shows Trump and Harris neck-and-neck, with Trump drawing 47 percent of voters and Harris drawing 49 percent of voters. would win if the elections were held now.

Trump will hold his next rally tomorrow, September 29, in Erie, Pennsylvania.




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