Trump criticizes Harris for illegal border crossings prior to visit


OPINION: This article may contain commentary that reflects the author’s opinion.

Former President Donald Trump tore Vice President Kamala Harris to pieces ahead of what turned out to be a highly controversial visit to part of the US-Mexico border on Friday following the release of new data on criminal aliens by the acting head of the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement. ICE).

The House Homeland Security Committee released new data from the agency on Friday, noting that “the Department of Homeland Security is aware of at least 660,000 illegal immigrants in the U.S. with criminal records, including 13,000 convicted murderers, nearly 16,000 convicted of sexual assault and 56,000 involved in dangerous drugs,” the Washington Times reported.

Trump said at a rally in Walker, Michigan, that Harris is “being killed at the border.”

“For her to go to the border, this was a bad day because someone had just released the numbers. They came out through ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement),” he added.

Trump has said for years that dangerous criminals were among the millions of people the Biden-Harris administration has allowed into the country illegally.


“According to this brand new, never-before-seen data, more than 13,099 convicted murderers have crossed the border, free to roam and kill in our country. These are convicted murders,” Trump added. “These are people who have been talking about this for three years.”

“More than 13,000 convicted murderers have been released from prison, and they roam our streets, our country, everywhere and every state is a border state. You know what that means, right? Every state, because they fly them in,” Trump continued.

“And these are serious, serious criminals coming out of prisons, mostly prisons, a lot of gang members. They take their gangs off the streets, like in Caracas, Venezuela. The criminals were all brought to the United States. Their crime rates have dropped in Caracas,” he added.

He further noted on social media: “Kamala should immediately cancel her press conference because it has just been revealed that 13,000 convicted murderers entered our country during her three and a half year stint as border czar.”

Thousands of additional migrants have been charged with these and other crimes but have not yet been convicted, the Times reported, citing the data. They are included in U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) “non-detainee docket,” a list of more than 7 million undocumented immigrants that ICE is tasked with monitoring while they remain free in the United States.

“It may be shocking to hear that the Biden-Harris administration is actively releasing tens of thousands of criminal illegal aliens into our communities, but their own numbers conclusively prove that this is the case,” said Rep. Mark Green (R-Tenn. ).

Jessica Vaughan, director of policy studies at the Center for Immigration Studies, who has been monitoring the data for years, said the latest figures indicate a significant increase compared to the past decade.

She attributed the increase to the Biden administration’s relaxation of domestic immigration enforcement, the Times said.

“Most deportations from the interior are criminals, so if you reduce the number of deportations from the interior, you allow criminals to stay here,” she told the newspaper.

Acting ICE Director Patrick Lechleitner, who presented the data to Congress, explained that the agency focuses on detaining serious criminals, such as convicted murderers. He added that ICE reviews each case individually, taking into account the potential risk to public safety and the likelihood of the individual fleeing.

“ICE also considers other factors, such as when a noncitizen has a serious medical condition, is the primary caregiver of minor children, or other humanitarian considerations,” he said.

The US government can impose sanctions on countries that do not take back their criminal citizens, and the Trump administration has used that power regularly. But, the Times reported, the Biden-Harris administration has not done so with any frequency.

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