Medellín is strengthening protection for victims of intra-city displacement

The Medellín Ombudsman has published an alarming report documenting intra-city displacement in the city, revealing that as of August 31, 2024, 380 displacement reports have been received. This phenomenon has affected 889 people, who have been forced to leave their homes due to the violence of criminal gangs.

The most affected municipalities include Comuna 13 San Javier, with 82 cases; the Uno Popular Commune, with 55; and Robledo, with 52. The situation is worrying and requires urgent attention from local and national authorities.

The report shows that intra-urban displacement in Medellín is not an isolated phenomenon, but fits into a broader context of violence and territorial control by criminal groups. The reasons behind this displacement are many, but threats, killings and dispossession of property are the main causes forcing people to leave their homes.

According to the Personería, these gangs justify the displacement of families by citing debts or family problems, a strategy that allows them to continue illegal activities such as selling land or occupying property. This cycle of violence creates an environment of fear and distrust that affects the quality of life of citizens in the most vulnerable areas.

The Public Prosecution Service has responded to the situation by emphasizing the need to strengthen peace and security policies in the region.

The report also emphasizes the importance of an updated register of displaced persons, as well as protection measures to prevent new cases of violence. Without adequate monitoring, it is difficult to estimate the scale of the problem and respond effectively to the needs of the affected population.

The mayor’s office of Medellín, in turn, has prepared a shelter for the victims of the conflict in the city so that they can travel to the district to provide them with dignified treatment, in addition to promoting strategies for the safety of citizens and the prevention of these consequences. fallen.

29-09-2024 16:39:35
#Medellín #strengthened #protection #victims #intraurban #displacement

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