Geography as a factor for environmental security of Bangladesh / 978-3-659-58307-0 / 9783659583070 / 3659583073

Geography as a factor for environmental security of Bangladesh

Safety is the ultimate quest for everyone. It is a universal experience and an ongoing preoccupation of humanity in its individual, social and collective existence. Environmental safety has introduced an interdisciplinary perspective into safety studies. Environmental security encompasses the interactive dynamics of the diverse human and natural networks that make up the modern world. Bangladesh is one of the most vulnerable places on earth in terms of geography, resources, location and physiographic landscape. Bangladesh is extremely vulnerable to non-traditional security threats, including food and water security, health care, environmental security, illegal migration and human trafficking, transnational crime and transnational terrorism, among others. Environmental factors can also have a weakening effect on Bangladesh’s domestic politics. This could upset the domestic balance of power and cause political instability. The greater the geographical degradation of Bangladesh, the greater will be its political and economic decline, leading to greater national and international uncertainty.

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