Did Vaush just ignore all of 4chan BTFO’s 13/50 arguments

1727654095710988s.jpg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vfvvWw63Yh0

>Explains that people like you are not interested in solving black issues
>Explains how crime rates among black people have risen since blacks began moving to poor inner-city areas after the Irish and Italians left, and that crime rates for blacks were low in comparison before
>Explains how socio-economic factors have led black people to commit more crimes.
>Explains how blacks are systematically discriminated against
>Explains how U.S. policies, both now and in the past, hold Blacks back and how joining criminal gangs is sometimes the only way for Blacks to thrive in dense, poor inner-city areas
>Explains how sometimes American policies are constructed to deliberately hurt black people, even after civil rights
>Explains why the fact that blacks commit more crimes isn’t enough evidence to suggest it’s all genetic
>Everything said in the video is backed by extensive research
>Provides concrete solutions to solve these problems

Where is YOUR evidence to support your ridiculous claims about black crime statistics? Anyway. watch the entire video. I promise you can’t debunk it.
>inb4 I’m being told to shut up by someone who hasn’t watched the video and is triggered by these FACTS
>inb4 someone says oppressing blacks is good
>inb4 someone says: bring back slavery
>inb4 someone is using anecdotal evidence
>inb4 someone is linking black crime statistics without context and without an analysis of WHY blacks commit more crimes
>inb4 someone calls me a cuck
>inb4 someone says the flag is checking out
>inb4 “muh slide wire”
>inb4 “sage” because /pol/tard is triggered by dissent

keep the discussion on topic and don’t do anything mentioned above in the inb4 section. You should be open-minded and instead watch the video and discuss it WITH RESOURCES.
I’m open to changing my mind. but only with reliable sources that explain why the numbers look the way they do.

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