UK Woman shares her experiences with sexual trauma in Osho’s cult

Known for his teachings on meditation, love and the nature of existence, Osho, also known as Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, was an Indian spiritual teacher and philosopher. However, there are several accusations

UK Woman shares her experiences with sexual trauma in Osho's cult

Known for his teachings on meditation, love and the nature of existence, Osho, also known as Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, was an Indian spiritual teacher and philosopher. However, there are several allegations and controversies surrounding Osho.

A 54-year-old woman has narrated her painful experience growing up in Indian godman Rajneesh’s infamous sex cult. In an interview with The Times, Prem Sargam described the widespread sexual abuse she suffered from the age of six in three different Sannyasin communities.

Prem Sargam’s ordeal began at the age of six when her father left their home in Britain to join the sect’s ashram in Pune. He pursued spiritual enlightenment as a sannyasin and left behind Mrs. Sargam and her mother. Soon, Ms. Sargam became entangled in the cult, forced to adopt a new name, wear orange robes and embrace a philosophy that viewed children as an obstacle to their parents’ sexual freedom.

According to The Times report, Sangam recalled: “The different message of sannyasin education, both illegal and destructive, was quickly assimilated by those who had joined the sect.” Maroesja Perizonius shared a post on on October 13, 2024.”

“During the making of this film Children of the Cult, I was helped enormously by @Janja_Lalich
‘s brilliant book Take Back Your Life – a must for anyone who lived in a cult as a child. Thank you Janja for all your hard work on it 👌 #takebackyourlife #childrenofthecult,” the message continues.

Prem Sargam was abused from the age of seven and was raped at the age of 12. She clearly remembered the bewilderment and discomfort she had experienced as a young member of the sect.

When she was between seven and eleven years old, she and her friends were forced to perform sexual acts with adult men living in the commune.

However, the abuse did not end there. Prem Sargam was then sent to the Medina Ashram in Suffolk, where she found herself alone and vulnerable, on the pretext that she was taking part in a ‘boarding school’ programme. At the age of twelve, she had moved to the US, where she joined her mother at an ashram in Oregon. “It wasn’t until I was 16 that I understood what had happened,” she told The Times.

Osho’s movement advocated the idea that children should be exposed to sexuality, and suggested that adult men should guide girls through puberty. Sargam indicates that it was considered beneficial for children to be exposed to sexuality.

Numerous former members of his congregation reported cases of sexual abuse and exploitation, mainly involving minors. Osho remained a controversial figure who led a hedonistic lifestyle, focusing on his teachings on sexuality and the libertine culture within the commune.


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