Everyone chill


Yes, we just got beat by more than we have in 45 games. Yes, most if not all of our players had bad nights when it came to their performance. Tyler Bass has the yips.


This season still feels better than any previous season, and when it comes to dealing with a loss against a proven contender, I think the Buffalo Bills can circle the wagons and bounce back. I think Josh Allen is still the MVP frontrunner and I loved how he connected with Kincaid and Coleman on the first few drives of the second half. Benford and Douglas once again completely erased the Ravens’ receivers, and Babich adjusted well before we got desperate. A few holding calls and the odd bad play call basically cost us our undefeated record, but other than that I think the Buffalo Bills are here to stay in the Super Bowl bubble and we can give a blow to a Texans team that looks far from perfect next Sunday. I don’t like seeing all the negativity after several weeks of flawless football from our team. I urge the mob to reason with each other, act like adults and never lose faith in a 3-1 side that is getting back a ton of defensive talent in just a few weeks.

submitted by /u/BillsFanGuy
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