Joachim Hagopian, today’s chessboard by Freemason-Zionist design

Joachim Hagopianus

I wrote a postscript to my article last week titled “This Week’s Doomsday Countdown from WWIII Deconstructed,” which took into account the Israeli airstrike assassination of the top leader of the Hezbollah resistance force in Lebanon last Friday evening. On September 27, the Israeli Air Force continued to launch massive airstrikes on the outskirts of Beirut, dropping American bunker bombs, a war crime in violation of international law in a densely populated area, leveling a block of seven large residential buildings created, leaving a crater full of rubble. . About the specific ammunition used, military and security analyst Elijah Magnier said Aljazeera:

We have information from the Israeli Air Force in which they said they had used 85 tons of explosives, with each bomb weighing one ton.

On Saturday morning, IDF spokesman General Halevi announced the death of Hezbollah leader at 32 years – Hassan Nasrallah. On Saturday, Hezbollah confirmed that its leader had been killed. Almost every day for the past week, Israel has killed a different top Hezbollah commander, along with more than 700 Lebanese, mostly civilians. But Hezbollah’s 64-year-old Secretary General Nasrallah, reportedly killed along with his daughter in another war crime in the Jewish state, will undoubtedly have dire consequences and will now undoubtedly trigger a full-scale war in the Middle East, precisely what Bibi the Butcher ordered. bring in vassal America. So Israel has eliminated the top leadership of the two Islamic resistance groups in Hamas and now Hezbollah is fighting Israel directly on two war fronts. The Western mainstream press describes Hezbollah as a terrorist organization because both the Israeli and US governments label them as such. But this war of genocide has only shown the world that these two nations, the US and Israel, are the real terrorist organizations. We live in an upside-down world, run by Satanists who are quickly making both Israel and the United States dig their own graves.

A side note of where all this unraveling madness is quickly heading makes us ponder the much greater war looming, by an evil design that is seemingly irreversible at this point, calculatedly plotted centuries ago by the same controlling bloodlines that ensure its fulfillment today . While the Middle East becomes more unstable by the day and week, with the supreme leader of Hezbollah murdered Last Friday, September 27, Israel’s strategy to eliminate the leadership of the Lebanese Resistance Force continued to bear fruit in its agenda to further destabilize the entire tumultuous region and world. Israel wasted no time in picking its next target, which was in the crosshairs of the IDF less than 24 hours after killing Hezbollah’s longtime top leader, Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah. On Saturday, September 28, another successful Israeli airstrike has just claimed the 19th victim in the Jewish State’s systematic neutralization of Hezbollah’s top leadership. Nabil Qaoukwho, in the group’s Central Council, was responsible for the organization’s Preventive Security Unit, which was not optimally operational last Saturday.

My question is: why are all these top Lebanese commanders so easy to locate and so efficient, yet systematically mowed down and neutralized by Israel? Now that Iran’s proven battlefield ally, Hezbollah, defeated Israel in its last short war in 2006, why is no air defense system in Lebanon able to unhindered shoot down Israeli warplanes that drop American bombs on their targets at will? Why are there not at least Russian S-400 or Iranian missile air defense systems in Lebanon to at least make it more difficult for the assassination campaign against the Jewish State, which is essentially beheading the head of the Islamic Resistance? It seems that Israel is allowed to deliberately continue its brutal course of inflicting so much unstoppable pain on the lives of its Muslim neighbors during more than three-quarters of a century of impunity for ethnic cleansing, while the international community passively sits back and allows this maniacal pariah state to continue. to go. causing more and more destruction and death in this world.

These same genocidal perpetrators are certainly not God’s “chosen people” as their bigoted Jewish Supremacy propaganda claims and demands. To be more precise, they are Satan’s chosen people, dating back to the ancient times of the fallen angels of the Nephilim in the Bible. And since Satan’s earthly rule has allowed the Khazarian mafia to flourish by controlling the usury central banking system of Mystery Babylon, they have effectively infiltrated the current top branches of power on earth, especially the Western bloc. With so much outsized power and control, despite being such a minuscule, less than 1% of the entire human population, they continue their never ending brutal crime wave, always able to live above the law and at the same time cause so much horrific damage and to inflict suffering. our planet like never before with ever greater dangers at stake.

After all, the Jewish State’s entire turbulent 76-year existence as a nation has deliberately and increasingly managed to destabilize our world. An increasing portion of today’s world population is beginning to realize why Jews have been expelled from everywhere thousand nation states and kingdoms through the ages. As we control the narrative, we are told that these thousand-plus expulsions are the result of historically embedded anti-Semitism. But that weakly worn lie is another revisionist falsehood, as the Synagogue of Satan has been allowed to rewrite human history, allowing the country to weaponize its brandishing anti-Semitic label that has morphed into today’s hate speech laws, making it simply telling the truth is not just an Orwellian revolutionary. but it is conveniently labeled a criminal act by puppet criminals who are ordered to censor and purge those brave enough to be today’s truth tellers.


But labeling us as bigoted criminals will not stop us from discerning and telling the truth. Tyrannical, draconian tactics to silence, brainwash and mind control the masses no longer work. Oppressive lies no longer work. Regardless of the centralized, coercive brainwashing tactics, only two genders remain and climate change and net zero carbon green energy laws are being used as one of the cabal’s weapons of mass destruction, like the genocidal COVID kill shot holocaust. Ukraine and Israel, and their biggest supporter, the US, are not on the right side of history. Regardless of the 24/7 false propaganda machine that spews out the lies that are being demonically used to divide and conquer us into hostile factions, it is once again no longer working as the world is finally waking up to their war against humanity.

It is clear that as the Ashkenazim Khazars subversively saturate today’s Zionist-occupied US/Western government(s), they are fanatically adhering to their Protocols of Zion playbook, with the unipolar American Empire of Lies, Israel’s most loyal cash cow. enabler, protector and genocidal accomplice. But with the US a declining paper tiger hegemon, Netanyahu has used his higher salary in the City of London to feverishly drain America dry, and is now busy unleashing a kinetic Third World War. Israel’s absolute impunity only persists because without direct, continued American interventionism for more wars of the Greater Israel Project, it could never happen, nor could the War on Terror. But in the multipolar world, the puppets of both Israel and America are only frantically digging their own “Old World Order” graves at the behest of the City of London.

This horror, which cannibalistically allows this never-ending grossest form of cruelty to unfold uninterruptedly, decade after decade, is also further enabled by the complicit, feeble weakness of the United Nations to stop this endless carnage, unhindered by the American veto power in the UN Security Council. Until now, all this destructive madness has gone largely unchallenged, promoted and protected entirely by the deliberate design of an evil Zionist-Masonic-Luciferian plot initiated centuries ago, specifically referenced in Albert Pike’s 1871 Masonic letter. This imminent This confrontation between the Zionist and Islamic Middle East portends dark times ahead and seems inevitable today as part of an evolving apocalyptic cyclical phase of biblical purifying and cleansing proportions for the earth. Opposing our common enemy is our only potential path to salvation.

Joachim Hagopianus is a West Point graduate, former Army officer and author of “Don’t Let the Bastards Getcha Down,” which exposes a flawed American military leadership system based on getting tickets up the seniority ladder that invariably weeds out the best and brightest, leaving mediocrity and order minions rising to the top as generals of politicians and bureaucrats designated to lose every modern American war by elite design. After the military, Joachim earned a master’s degree in clinical psychology and worked as a licensed mental health therapist with abused youth and adolescents for more than a quarter century. In Los Angeles, he found himself dealing with the nation’s largest child welfare agency within America’s thoroughly broken and corrupt child welfare system.

Experience in both the military and the child welfare system prepared him well as an investigator and independent journalist, exposing the evils of Big Pharma and how the Rockefeller-controlled medical and psychiatric system causes more harm than good, such as the pandemic hoax and murder. genocide shot. As an independent journalist, Joachim has written hundreds of articles over the past ten years for many news sites, including Global Research, and currently https//, and The published author of a five-book series entitled Pedophilia & Empire: Satan, Sodomy & the Deep State, Joachim’s books and chapters are Amazon bestsellers in the fields of child advocacy and human rights. His AZ sourcebook series fully documents and exposes the global pedophilia scourge and remains available for free at s/. Joachim also hosts the weekly Revolution Radio broadcast “Cabal Empire Exposed” on Friday mornings at 7am EST (ID: revradio, password: rocks!)

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