Government reports reveal the dire consequences of US bishops’ role in enabling illegal immigration

Most of our readers are well aware of the role our American bishops have played in making this possible more than 10 million illegal aliens to invade our nation for the past four years under the Biden-Harris administration.

Now we learn that hundreds of thousands of these illegal aliens have been convicted or suspected of committing serious crimes. From The Federalist:

More than 647,000 illegal immigrants convicted or suspected of sexual assault, murder and other heinous crimes are roaming free in the United States, federal immigration authorities confirmed Wednesday. The revelation came in a letter to Rep. Tony Gonzales, R-Texas, by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Deputy Director and senior official performing Director Patrick Lechleitner’s duties. Data released by the agency shows that as of July 2024, 425,431 noncitizens have been convicted of criminal offenses, many of them serious, and 222,141 noncitizens with pending criminal charges are not currently in ICE custody.

Moreover, our bishops are probably complicit in child trafficking. An August report from the Homeland Security Office of the Inspector General admits this is over 320,000 unaccompanied migrant children were lost sight of and “considered to be at greater risk of human trafficking, exploitation or forced labor.” 291,000 of these missing children were never issued a Notice to Appear or were not placed in removal proceedings. 32,000 children have not appeared in court and are now missing.

TAKE ACTION: Tell the bishops to stop enabling the illegal invasion of our nation

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