Dr. Ajoy Kumar accuses Jamshedpur MLA Saryu Roy of betraying public trust and not fulfilling promises in the last five years

Jamshedpur: In a scathing attack, former MP and senior Congress leader, Dr. Ajoy Kumar, Jamshedpur East MLA Saryu Roy of betraying public trust and not fulfilling his promises made in the last five years.

Speaking to reporters on Monday, Dr. Kumar leveled a series of grievances against the MLA, alleging that Roy has done nothing but deceive the people with empty promises and ineffective governance.

Dr. Kumar likened Roy’s tenure to five acts of ‘wandering, putting up, sticking, wiping and forgetting’, asserting that his leadership was a disappointment to the people of Jamshedpur.

Unresolved water supply issues

Dr. Kumar slammed Roy for failing to improve the Mohrada water supply programme, noting that despite five years in power, residents of areas like Birsanagar, Bagunhatu and Baridih Basti continue to receive polluted and smelly water. “People kept running to the MLA for clean water, but all they got were promises drenched in false guarantees,” noted Kumar, who criticized Roy’s inability to provide a basic need like clean water.

Neglected road infrastructure

The condition of the road from Jemco Chowk to South Gate was another focal point in Dr. Kumar. He pointed out that the road, which is often used by heavy vehicles, is still in disrepair despite numerous accidents and fatalities. “The renovation of the road has been pending for five years, and yet Saryu’s development work is nowhere to be seen,” Kumar said. He even mentioned a recent incident where a journalist was injured on the dilapidated road, underscoring the urgency of the situation.

For more than 25 years, the residents of Jamshedpur East have been waiting for ownership rights to their land, and Dr. Kumar accused Roy of continuing the trend of false promises. “Saryu held the people in the name of property, just like the BJP and the former chief minister before him did,” Kumar said.

The inability to tackle the situation in the slums

Dr. Kumar highlighted that despite being in power for years, Rai failed to bring significant improvements in the lives of those living in areas like Kalyannagar and Indranagar. He accused the MLA of neglecting the poor and downtrodden after winning the elections and alleged that Rai is prioritizing corporate interests over public welfare. “The MLA forgets the people who were once in power and focuses only on those who can benefit him personally,” Kumar noted.

Unfulfilled promises to young people and companies

Dr. Kumar also criticized Rai for not fulfilling his promises to create jobs for the youth and prevent Jamshedpur from becoming a ‘graveyard for corporations’. He pointed out that companies like Tata Motors shifted their operations to Kharagpur while Roy stood idly by. “Saryu Roy did not work for anyone except his family and relatives. No new businesses were opened and promises made to cable company employees were not kept,” Kumar said.

In a damning conclusion, Dr. Kumar Rai of allowing crime and mafia activity to flourish in Jamshedpur. He alleged that while Rai had promised to rid the city of crime, the reality was an increase in murder, theft and land mafia activities. “Many of these mafias are even patronized by Saryu Roy,” Kumar alleged.

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