Trump Latest Dog Whistle About Kamala Harris

Republican presidential candidate Former President Donald Trump holds rally in Erie, Pennsylvania

Donald Trump speaks during a campaign rally at the Bayfront Convention Center on September 29, 2024 in Erie, Pennsylvania. | Source: Jeff Swensen/Getty

Anyone who isn’t a committed supporter of Donald Trump has taken note of what appears to be the ex-president’s apparent cognitive decline. Trump speaks in a way that suggests he has no idea how syntax works, he bounces aimlessly from topic to topic, he rambles about batteries that sink military boats and cause shark attacks, and he really seems to believe that his imagination is a is a credible source of factual information. (To be fair, it’s arguable that none of this is remotely new to the commander-in-cancer-causing-windmills-and-Lysol-injections.)

Meanwhile, Trump’s strategy to combat the idea that he is mentally deteriorating comes in the form of an argument that he can be assured is solid and unassailable:

I know you are, but what am I?

At a rally in Erie, Pennsylvania, on Sunday, Trump insisted that Vice President Kamala Harris is not only “mentally retarded” but that she was “born that way.”

Actually, Trump made this comment two days in a row. On Saturday, at a rally in Wisconsin, Trump claimed that “Joe Biden became mentally disabled; Kamala was born that way.”

“Think about it: Only a mentally retarded person could have let this happen to our country,” he added, referring to what has been his favorite topic to lie about and use as an excuse to spew racist and xenophobic hate speech to spread: the immigration crisis at the southern border.

Trump repeated the attack on Biden and Harris on Sunday, but this time he added a few more adjectives.

“Crooked Joe Biden became mentally disabled – sad. But honestly, I believe Kamala Harris was born that way,” he said.

During the two speeches, Trump also called Harris “stupid,” as he has done in the past, he called her a “stupid person,” and he called her “mentally retarded” — all of which were clearly statements of pure, calcified projection.

During the same speech in Erie, where Trump repeated his comments about Harris’ mental acuity, he evoked a non-existent reality in which police cannot legally stop shoplifters from shoplifting without losing their jobs. that non-problem is essentially implementing a real-life version of The purification.

“What the hell is going on?” he asked rhetorically (although any non-Trump supporter watching the speech would surely be looking for an actual answer to that question). ‘Look, we have to let the police do their job. And if they have to be extremely rough. And you know, the funny thing about all that stuff, look at the department stores – same thing – they walk into them. You see these guys walking out with air conditioners, with refrigerators on their backs. The craziest thing. And the police are not allowed to do their job. They are told that if you do something, you will lose your pension, your family, your house, your car.

“You know, if you had one day, like a really hard, bad day,” he continued. “In a heavy hour, and I mean really heavy, the word will get out and it will end immediately. Terminate immediately. You know, it will end immediately.

So basically, Trump thinks Harris is “mentally retarded,” but he also thinks police should be allowed to have one free police brutality happy hour because somehow, under the current circumstances, they will lose their pension, house, car and family for – *checks notes* – do the only thing they are legally obliged to do if they visibly catch someone committing theft.

While we’re here, let’s go back to his speech in Wisconsin, where he called Harris “mentally retarded” while also making up orange-and-white nonsense about “hundreds of little towns and little villages” where Venezuelan gangs have complete control, local law enforcement is left ‘petrified’.

“You’re talking about areas in the Midwest where they’re becoming famous because they’re being occupied, and these are hundreds of small towns and small villages,” Trump said. “They are petrified, and their law enforcement is petrified. You have a sheriff and a deputy, or you have a small group, and you have a group of Venezuelan killer street gangs occupying the city with MK-47s.”

Now, lying about migrant crime has generally been Trump’s political bread and butter lately — just ask the Haitian community — so these claims are just par for the MAGA course. However, it was his next word salary of a statement that in itself should serve as a reminder (not that we needed one) that this is not a man qualified to speak about who is and is not “mentally retarded.” .”

‘I know that weapon very well. I got to know it very well,” Trump said of the MK-47. “I quickly became an expert on weapons. My sons know guns. They couldn’t believe the story they heard – the two stories they heard, actually. But I don’t care, because we do it for you. We’re going to have our – I don’t care. I’m just saying we have to do it.”

Sir – What?

Trump’s complete omission of complete sentences and thoughts that fit together, what is that? Are their stories about “hundreds of small towns and cities” occupied by these gangs, or just “two stories”? The only thing that is clear is that the “petrified” law enforcement officers cannot answer this question because, as usual, they don’t seem to know what Trump is talking about.


Trump first claimed that an Aurora apartment complex had been bought and taken over by gang members who were collecting rent. Trump later expanded the lie by saying the entire city was controlled by gangs.

But the The police chief refuted the claimsaying that while Aurora has gang members, like many cities, they have no control over the complex, nor do they have control over rent collection.

Listen: If Trump is elected to the White House in November, it won’t be because Harris is mentally disabled. That will be because America is not only a racist country, but also a stupid and blatantly gullible country. Electing a president who, as his only practice, tells the American people ridiculous and easily debunked lies that didn’t sound true in the first place indicates that the nation is becoming more of a idiocy than a democracy.

I won’t insult people with actual intellectual disabilities by saying that MAGA voters are “mentally retarded,” but I will say that they are bigots who prefer to be told what they already want to believe over common sense or any pretense of critical thinking.



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