Information Sharing Critical – FBC News

The Japanese ambassador stressed that improving information sharing is a crucial tool in tackling global drug trafficking and organized crime.

Speaking to FBC News, Rokoichiro Michii reiterates Japan’s commitment to supporting Fiji’s efforts to combat drug-related crime.

Recognizing the transnational nature of the drug trade, Michi emphasizes that strengthening communications and intelligence sharing between Fiji and Japan is essential to identifying the sources of illicit drugs.

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“So information sharing, actual law enforcement capacity and rehabilitation programs – all these things are important, and they are all on the agenda of the two governments.”

The Japanese ambassador emphasizes that preventive measures should include offering young people alternatives to keep them off drugs.

Grand Council of Chiefs Chairman Ratu Viliame Seruvakula noted that Fiji’s drug problem is exacerbated by external sources and requires external expertise to tackle it effectively.

“We do not currently have a national intelligence service that can then connect us to an international intelligence network that has the capabilities to identify drug sources.”

The growing cooperation between Fiji and Japan marks a crucial step in the region’s efforts to combat drug trafficking and its devastating impact on local communities.

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