Environmental and Human Rights Challenges in Colombia (September 2024) – Colombia


In February 2023, a report published by Indepaz warned of the existence of more than 160 socio-ecological conflicts related to mining-energy, agro-industrial and infrastructure mega-projects in Colombia. However, this report only covers the most visible and contains significant under-reporting. Colombia, with its important mining-energy and agro-industrial sectors, is an important country in this context. The political, economic and mafia sectors have formed alliances to defend these sectors through massacres, forced displacement, enforced disappearances, selective killings, as well as torture and attacks on political opponents, trade unionists, environmentalists and communities opposed to the projects. Some of these multinational companies have been linked to paramilitary groups, such as Drummond and Chiquita, in lawsuits inside and outside Colombia. Several European companies have mining and energy activities in Colombia or purchase products from Colombia. However, to date they have not contributed to repairing the damage caused by their activities. The Colombian government is promoting policies to reduce dependence on fossil fuels and take steps toward a green transition, increasing renewable energy capacity and protecting important ecosystems. However, initiatives to promote the extraction of transition minerals and green hydrogen or wind farm projects would generate new or reinforce socio-ecological conflicts with the affected communities.

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