The Great Replacement and Belgium

Belgium is often mentioned in the Western media as a country on the brink of disintegration. The Flemish and Walloon nations are constantly at each other’s throats, seeking different political, social and economic objectives. Often the Flemish are after independence while the Walloons are simply trying to cope with the increase in poverty which was accompanied by deindustrialization.

However, these battles matter little. The Belgian population, a white population, is steadily being replaced by foreigners from both within and outside Europe.

Belgium has experienced one of the most radical demographic transformations In the West, without policy changes, Belgians will become a minority in their own country in the relatively short term. Fortunately, Belgium has a policy, legal and even political environment that, if properly harnessed, could reverse the Great Replacement trend in the country.

The current situation:

In 2023, Statbel, the Belgian Bureau of Statistics, reported that Belgians with a Belgian background are only 65.5% of the country’s population. Belgium’s population has fallen by about 16.3 percentage points since the year 2001, when Belgians made up a much healthier 81.8% share of the country’s population.

In the same 22-year period, the population of Belgians with a foreign background, i.e. both naturalized immigrants and second-generation immigrants, has increased significantly. In 2001, Belgians with a foreign background made up only 9.8% of the Belgian population, but today they amount to 21% of the population. The number of Africans has quadrupled from 210,000 in 2001 to over 823,000 in 2023. Similarly, the Asian population has almost quadrupled from 54,000 in 2001 to 199,302 in 2023, and these are just the categories with foreign backgrounds.

The last category in the country are non-Belgians (those without citizenship), who will account for 13.4% of the population in 2023, according to Statbel. This is almost double the 8.4% that non-Belgians (non-citizens) held in 2001.

In total, the share of people who are not of genuine Belgian descent has risen from a less than ideal 18.2% of the Belgian population in 2001 to a worryingly high share of 33.4% in 2023.

While this demographic transition has taken place, the population of native Belgians has declined sharply, from 8.4 million in 2001 to 7.6 million in 2023. Part of this decline is explained by the mass emigration of native Belgians.of which early 300,000 live in neighboring countries. Still, a radical decline in the indigenous population, regardless of the circumstances, is worrying.

The non-white population, which comes from Oceania, Asia and Africa, and those born into this population, has also experienced a notable increase in the same time frame. In 2001 about 5% of the population, rising to at least 13% in 2023, although these figures include only official statistics. Other figures show a much larger share of the non-white population. While official Belgian statistics recognize 340,000 Moroccans in the country, other studies have shown that the number of Moroccans is probably closer to 500,000.

Regardless, Belgium’s non-white population has almost tripled in just 22 years, while the total non-Belgian population has increased from 1.8 million in 2001 to an incredible 4 million in 2023.

This demographic transformation has radically changed the Belgian perception of its own country. According to a 2017 study Le Soir and other foundationsAbout 77% of Belgians no longer feel at home in Belgium. An explanation comes from the fact that Brussels, the country’s capital, will only be 25% Belgian from 2023.

Moreover, 43% of Belgians believe that Muslims cannot be Belgian. At the same time, a majority of Belgians believe that descendants of immigrants will never be real Belgians.

These demographic changes have brought about incredible changes in Belgium and radically transformed the nation.

Main trade connections between Latin American ports and EU ports in 2020 (based on quantities and number of seizures reported by EU ports)

Belgium has become the capital for the import of medicines of Europe. Moroccan gangs represent one of them Europe’s most serious threats and them gang wars on the streets of Antwerp and other Belgian cities result in numerous deaths every year. The Albanian, Moroccan and Arab gangs shamelessly bribe or threaten workers in the Belgian ports, and many of these workers (young immigrants themselves) take money and bribes for their collaboration with the gangs.

Belgium ranks fifth in the world in the number of drug seizures, with very limited enforcement resources against gangs.

Violence in the country has become such a serious problem that the Belgian King, HM Filip, spoke out in February 2024. The Belgian monarch pleaded with the political class to do something about rising violence after meeting Europol officers in Brussels.

Yet the Belgian political class will not find solutions to the drug trade, criminal gangs and increasing violence unless and until they are willing to embrace the repatriation and immigration of Belgium’s non-white and non-Belgian population.

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Policy solutions:

Despite being the capital of the EU and central to post-war neoliberalism globalism that shaped the West, Belgium has ample policy options and perhaps even the existing political will to get the job done.

In Flanders, N-VA and Vlaams Belang are two nationalistic and socially conservative parties, hold the most of the region’s legislative seats. The two parties are also often needed to form the complex coalition governments that plague Belgian federal politics.

Nationalists clearly have one path to political power in Belgium, and coming together to demand repatriation as part of future coalition governments should become a mainstay of Belgian politics.

By simply refusing to renew visas, Belgians could steadily remove 431,000 non-whites from the country. Going a step further, the Belgians could also revoke the visas of whites known to be involved in large-scale criminal activities, such as the Albanians. Visa cancellation would mean the removal of about 60,000 Albanians and would destroy another major pillar of organized crime in the country.

The next step is to tackle the approximately 1.088 million non-whites who already have Belgian nationality. Those with Belgian citizenship could be stripped of Belgian nationality as long as it did not come from a Belgian parent, a provision that would apply to a large portion of the country’s non-white population. These non-whites may be deprived of their citizenship for fraudulent or false representation in pursuit of their citizenship or if the individual “seriously violates” his obligations as a Belgian citizen, such as a conviction for a serious crime.

These two categories would include hundreds of thousands of non-whites in the country. Belgium has long been a center of European marriage and parenting fraud. The Belgian and European government authorities are well aware of the scale of the problem reports dating back to 2012 to show. Belgium also broke one in 2019 series of sham wedding rings who imported dozens of women per year. And these rings are known to be active on a much larger scale.

In terms of crime, Moroccans, Algerians, Turks and other non-whites make up a large part of the population Belgian prison population. It is It is common knowledge that second-generation immigrants are more criminal than their immigrant parents. This seriously increases the number of non-white criminals in Belgium and could lead to tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of justified denaturalizations.


Belgium is home to approximately 1.5 million non-whites, most of whom have only superficial ties to the country, live in ethnic enclaves and many of whom participate in criminal activities.

Belgium must first and foremost be the home of the Belgian people. Belgian nationalists, of which there are millions according to voting figures, must put aside petty differences to pursue policies that will restore Belgian demographic dominance in the country before hope for any political action is lost.

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