KZN Public Works will blacklist errant construction companies


A long-standing plan to blacklist erring construction company owners is being quickly followed by newly appointed KZN Public Works MEC Martin Meyer.

“Companies that do not deliver what is expected of them will be blacklisted, including the owner. I will also work, through the Cabinet, with the rest of the government and even at the national level for a national database so that those who are blacklisted, one department cannot go and get work from another department,” Meyer told me. in an exclusive interview to IOL.

Millions are lost to the country’s coffers as errant contractors leave projects uncompleted after being paid for some or all of the work. The Ministry of Public Works, which is responsible for construction projects for government departments, must then restart the tender process, leading to lengthy delays in project completion. Coupled with this, construction projects are also affected by the so-called construction mafia, which is accused of hijacking or halting projects if the work is not outsourced to their members.

“Dealing with errant contractors is one problem. When I was sworn in, the first thing the department head said to me was, ‘I’m your new HOD. We’re broke.’

“I thought he was joking. Then the next day I got the financials and we are broke. It is a hundred times worse than I thought when we were in opposition. As a department we are in serious financial difficulties, our projects It takes us 26 months to build a school, while in some other provinces it only takes eight months to build a school,” Meyer explains.

Fresh in his new portfolio, Meyer, a member of the Democratic Alliance, has dived straight in with a crackdown on his department. This includes a complete overhaul and turnaround plan to revive the ailing, financially bankrupt and demoralized department. He has put together a team to resolve issues faster, is working with all stakeholders, including controversial business forums, to address issues surrounding the construction mafia, has ordered a forensic audit of the department in the last eight years and is in talks with the private sector to invest in the province.

His department is also undertaking a full audit of unused government buildings, with a plan to make them fit for purpose. ‘We pay millions in rates or rent for these unused buildings, some of which have been left completely gutted and abandoned, yet we still pay rates on them. So we are happy to listen to proposals from anyone who wants to invest in we will see how we can make this a profitable investment for them, but also for us from a social perspective,” says Meyer.

Despite the challenges and the mess he inherited, Meyer is confident things will get better. In a subtle jab at the previous ANC government, Meyer says there is still hope.

“This department has been used as a cash cow for too long. But there is new political will now, so we will see changes. There is a silver lining,” he says.


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