Israel is trying to deviate from its genocide through escalation

Published: 03-10-2024

Earlier this year, 2024, Alastair Crooke described Zionist intentions to escalate the conflicts into a full-scale regional war, with the intention of hiding its genocide under that greater horror.

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Israel could not continue the international crimes and war crimes it commits without the protection, armaments and intelligence of the Anglo-Alliance, the US and Britain. The Israeli Zionist leadership demands that the US go to war with Iran to help the country with its regional ambitions, because the criminal Jewish Zionists are too weak on their own.

By committing genocide and killing the political leaders of its enemies (Hamas’ Haniyeh and Hezbollah’s Nasrallah), the Israeli leadership may think they have improved their situation. What they have done is force the Anglo-Alliance, especially its dominant partner the US, to evaluate the cost-benefit of their relationship with the Jewish branch of Zionism.

Iran responded to the political assassinations of Israel, one of which took place on its territory, on October 2, 2024 with a precision missile attack on military targets in Israel.


On Alkhorshid’s Dialogue Works, Colonel Wilkerson provided two unconfirmed pieces of information: Israel attacked the Russian warm water naval base at Tartus, Syria, and that portion of the combat damage from Iran’s missile attack on Israel, on its main military airfield, was twenty F35s. (See Resources.)

These unconfirmed reports from Wilkerson are outliers when compared to the statements of leading Western politicians and spokespersons who minimize both the damage to Israel and the criminality and severity of Israel’s international actions. This is because, if you believe the likelihood that the US military and some elements of the US leadership do not want all-out war in West Asia, they are soothing Israel’s ego by telling lies. If they can help Israel by lying to the rest of the world that its multi-layered missile defense system actually works or that the 180 to 500 missiles fired at Israel did little damage, then hopefully Israel won’t do anything more reckless than that. has already done it.

That’s the supposed logic behind their lies. They hope that the genocidal Zionists will not take the deployment of their delusions of grandeur to an even more reckless level. Wishful thinking based on publishing fiction.

An alternative approach would be to inform both Israelites and the rest of the world that Scott Ritter’s assessment of the latest Iranian missile attack on Israel was spot on. There is no missile defense.


U.S. President Reagan and Soviet General Secretary Gorbachev peered into each other’s missile silos with realistic advice from both their communities of experts and signed the Intermediate Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty as a first step toward eliminating the nuclear weapon on everyone’s heads is held. Why? Because there is no missile defense. Hence the title of Mr. Ritter’s article when Iran reminded the world of this truth: Checkmate.

As Julian Assange reminded the crowd on October 1 in Strasbourg: it is only with accurate information that one can understand the world, and only from that understanding can one work to create a better world. The oppression imposed on him by the ‘secret state’ with its main arm, the CIA, demonstrated how determined they are to deny the world this accuracy. But their reach is not global and their tactics are often crude.

By temporarily setting aside the religious ethno-supremacy of Israelite Zionists, they are also misled by propaganda directed at them by their own leaders. The world has learned the extent of the mendacity of Israel’s official spokespeople during Israel’s genocidal response to Hamas’s one-day military operation almost a year ago on October 7, 2023.

Are Israeli Zionists so stupid that they still fall for the lies told to them by their own leadership? I ask because even I can tell from the civilian recorded videos published on ‘social media’ platforms that the effectiveness of their vaunted missile shield would be 20% at best. Take the test yourself. Look and count. Note that explosions very close to the ground are not a success for a missile shield. Some rocket munitions are designed to explode close to the ground. Interceptions must take place at high altitudes.

Colonel Wilkerson suggested that the munitions incident against Israel came not only from Iran, but also from Lebanon, and probably from Yemen as well. The Iraqi PMUs may also have participated.

Iran’s leaders said they had made their point. The attack was a single response, just like last time. This is in stark contrast to Zionist Israel’s continued aggression, including the genocide in Gaza. One would expect that the Iranian leadership would have appealed to other parties harmed by the Zionists’ lawless, amoral actions to also pause to give Israel space to think, to consider how vulnerable the colony.

While during that pause, more Western rhetoric is expressed to fill the void where serious discussions are certainly being had. Genocidal accomplice and US President Joe Biden said:

“All seven of us agree that they (the genocidal Jewish Zionists) have the right to respond, but they must respond proportionately,” (he said), referring to the Group of Seven nations. He said G7 leaders agreed to impose new sanctions on Iran, which will have little impact because Iran is already under so many sanctions.


The Anglo Alliance’s other leader, Sir Starmer, issued standard blather. Selected quotes from The Telegraph involve:

  • “We stand with Israel and recognize its right to self-defense in the face of this aggression.” (I am) “deeply concerned that the region is on the brink”

  • “Along with its allies like Hezbollah, Iran has” (blah, blah, blah)

  • “Make no mistake: Britain stands squarely against such violence. We support Israel’s reasonableness ask (italics mine) for the safety of its people.”

This observer notes that Israel is not demanding anything. The members of the state’s armed forces are killing, both covertly and openly, Palestinians, Lebanese, Syrians, Iraqis, Yemenis and Iranians. These peoples also have a “right to self-defense”. But this discussion only furthers Israel’s goal of averting the continued crime that will ruin the country.

Israel is continue the genocide in Gaza. Israel is systematically killing one entire population.

I refuse to be distracted from this most despicable crime.

ISRAEL is committing genocide.

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CheckmateScott Ritter, Scott Ritter Extra, 04-16-2024

Safety through love and understandingYesXorNo, 04-20-2024

Assange: the transnational threat to expressionYesXorNo, 02-10-2024

British fighter jets ‘played a role’ in defending Israel against Iranian attacksAlex Barton, The Telegraph, 2024-10-02

Israel is planning a major attack on IranDave DeCamp, Anti-War, 2024-10-02

Israel escalates attacks on Gaza and massacres dozens of PalestiniansDave DeCamp, Anti-War, 2024-10-02

Israel kills another 23 Palestinians in the Gaza StripDave DeCamp, Anti-War, 2024-10-01

Colonel Larry Wilkerson: Iranian attack on Israel – Israel is about to attack Iran (UXoHPtpG9F4), Alkhorshid interviews Wiklerson, Dialogue Works, 02-10-2024

Scott Ritter: IRAN hits ISRAEL. (Se0CIREENys), Napolitano interviews Ritter, Judging Freedom, 02-10-2024

Mohammad Marandi: Israel vs. Hezbollah: Is a Massive Ground War About to Erupt? (G4WYQpF80nY), Alkhorshid interviews prof. Marandi, Dialogue Works, 02-10-2024

Iran attacks Israel. Direct hits against military targets. Netanyahu, Biden promises retaliation (1ewRFdkFO8k), Pascal Lottaz, Neutrality Studies, 02-10-2024


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