Mindwar Tactic: Damnation by False Equivalence

The Mindwar Chronicles articles are organized here. The RTE Locals community is here.

Mortag is the villainous scum who leads armies of the undead to murder the citizens of countries, such as the nation of Farmistan, who follow a religion different from his own. He gives long and boring speeches in which he quotes his great book, using its dictates as justification for his genocidal campaigns.

Tom Fluffier is an accountant and volunteer soccer coach, largely regarded as a model dad in his community. Tom also spends time organizing a community watch group to keep drug pushers away from young, impressionable teenagers bombarded with imagery fed to them by Religion of Cool’s Entertainment Complex.

Mortag and Tom have something in common: Neither of them get on the internet to publicly discuss the plight of refugees from Farmistan, and the food scarcity felt by many nations as the result of declining farm production due to Mortag’s campaigns.

Do we conclude that Tom is therefore a vicious scumbag?

That would be an absurd false equivalence, right?

Surely Mortag’s epic crimes could not be weaponized as a thought-terminating attack on Tom Fluffier, right?

And yet, there is a Mindwar technique that results in precisely that impression.

Markay is a middling YouTuber with an audience of a few thousand. He is also an agent trained as an intelligence asset by Mindwar specialists. Markay’s bread and butter is expressing outrage over clearly nefarious government programs. His audience would be outraged on their own if they spent more time reading up on those programs, and less time on YouTube. But they pay Markay through ad revenue and superchats to do the reading for them.

When the X Intelligence Agency (XIA) wants to discredit somebody like Tom, they have Markay leverage the social capital he has built up with his audience. Tom gets on his channel, puts on his outrage face, and declares that Tom is a vicious scumbag, and responsible for the burdens of refugees, the nations they flee to, and the rising cost of food that puts pressure on everyone.

Behind the scenes, the XIA has tasked a few digital soldiers from a psychological warfare operations depot in which dozens of operators trained in neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) spend all day promoting assets like Markay, while attacking Tom and other targets. The use of clever language templated from many hours in the game means these operators are often being copycatted by useful idiot followers of Markay who want to up their Cool Quotients—an imaginary capital among parasocial peers who worship at the Temple of Cool.

There goes the neighborhood. And soccer practice.

Now Tom cannot go anywhere on the internet without having one of Markay’s digital soldiers either attack him or say, “So, Tom, are you still ignoring what’s going on in Farmistan? You and Martog are like peas in a pod.”

Tom is now socially blackmailed. He has no idea if he will be targeted by some crazy incel, or what troubles they will cause him:

Tom could try to ignore the attack, but a lie repeated to a hypnotized audience eventually becomes truth in their minds. Anything that gets in the way is suddenly the enemy, and Tom is public enemy number one.

The only way Tom can pay the blackmail demand is by immediately spending his own time going online, reading up on the details of the Farmistan situation, then spending his own time putting into words how bad Martog is. He might even feel the need to praise Markay’s research into the matter, thus promoting the XIA’s disinformation asset whose audience grows larger each time one of his blackmail victims bends the knee.

Even worse, when Tom bends the knee, it comes along with a never ceasing list of demands. In order to avoid Markay’s digital army, Tom must jump through hoop after hoop, lest Markay invent a new false equivalence bind. This cuts into the time that Tom would spend guiding children toward developing healthy lifestyles, and away from dubious “cool” babysitters, some of whom might even be predators. 

Tom’s participation in the deception makes it even harder for Markay’s audience to figure out that something is wrong in their parasocial relationship with Markay. The Mindtrap is deep as deconstructing the cognitive dissonance would mean bumping up against Gregory Bateson’s construct of “double bind schizophrenia”, which is induced as a wedge between the audience and reality.

The happens to me once every few days:

When (nearly always) an anon, engaging as an attack dog/bot, harasses me like this, my response is to frame the template of the Mindwar attack. Uwe saw something else, I suspect because he was already primed to take any side against me. We’ll come back to that.

Through my numerous article series, I have sometimes criticized the hospital protocols that I believe were used to promote mortality during the plandemonium. I termed it “iatrogenocide”, which caught on among some people. 

I am not a doctor, and I had not thought about the potential use of high flow oxygen as a method for pushing patients off a cliff until I heard a single brief discussion of it just a few days ago. It hasn’t risen to a high enough priority for me to read about and consider strongly, though it would not shock me if it was indeed a piece of the process of killing enough people to justify the appearance of a pandemic. But here I am with rando anon showing up, on cue, to insinuate that I’m a bad person for not having talked about what amounts to one of the most obscure pieces of the bigger picture.

Of course, to the anon, any priority that is not Markay’s priority might as well be an admission of genocide.

Even worse, Uwe doesn’t recognize the absurdity of the situation, and tells me that I’m putting words into people’s mouths by framing the tactic, then instantly threatens to ban me. The irony is that I spent several hours working through a discussion with Uwe that should not have taken several hours because Uwe repeatedly put words in my mouth, and argued against a position that was far askew from anything that I had said. But here, when he thinks that is what I’m now doing, he expresses instant extreme outrage to the point of threatening a cease of communications.

In this instance, Uwe has “become an agent of the Matrix.” No matter what I type, he will find the interpretation that frames me as the villain after I pointed out that one of his parasocial heroes was involved in dishonest and extreme attacks against me. That Uwe is engaging as an agent of the Matrix cannot be explained to him without him accusing me of patronizing him (which is what happened, again ironically as his tone in attacking the strawman of things I hadn’t said was plainly patronizing). The psyop specialists know that many people, like Uwe, once hypnotized by a parasocial hero, will fail to actively read or listen once that hero has been criticized in any way. This is part of the process of cult formation that has been developed over decades by people at places like the Tavistock Institute (who designed the Religion of Cool, along with its chosen lineup of heroes).

As I worked fairly and diligently to explain and re-explain that he was imagining a position different from the one I had tried to discuss with him, he repeatedly accused me of engaging in ad hominem, which is where an attack on a person’s character (if you call explaining what happened an “attack”) is used to attack the logic of an argument. Except that there was no relationship he could point out between my critique of a JJ Couey, and the discussion of whether or not the “no pandemic” argument was skipping past potential supply chain poisoning (here and here). My goal had been to help Uwe clear away the mindjob done on him so that we could engage in the various evidence about how people did get sick, and why that matters, but he never said a word about it.

The result is that Uwe and I are not likely to ever have a productive conversation, which is a shame (things might be different with an IRL friend, for all the obvious reasons). His inability to understand, recognize, and clear away these Mindwar tactics means that he will almost always inadvertently attack the messenger. He makes the cost of engagement extremely high, so I can’t risk striking a nerve. The time I spend unraveling the illusory straw man that he built and attacked, and then time on an article like this, all comes at the expense of finishing the far more important article over which Argentina’s top physicist and his family went into hiding after being threatened by the Colombian mafia with murder (yes, it relates to vaccines, in a unique way).

Last year Mark Kulacz began telling his audience that I was responsible for the overdose death of his stepson because I wasn’t talking about the role opioids played in ramping up mortality during the plandemonium. He even waved his arms around and cried out, “My son! MY SON!” to add emphasis to the accusation. In this case, Dr. Pierre Kory was his Martog, and I was his Tom.

There is a video that Mark played showing Kory actually laughing and dismissing opioid deaths as meaningful to the narrative. That’s really pretty ugly, and I’ve long since stopped trusting Kory, in general, and for a dozen distinct reasons.

But I played the role of Tom, a straw man to take whacks at, and socially blackmail.

The tactic is not simply unethical, not only because Mark never bothered to ask me about my opinion, but it bypassed all reality in this case. I have written warnings over pain clinics and the opioid epidemic for a full fifteen years since one of my employees at one of my schools had a son drained of ordinary functioning life by the predatory Pharma mafia. In fact, I recognized the need to incorporate into some of the statistical analyses that I conducted. Here is a snippet from one of my many online chat circles discussing the subtleties of the apparent zero efficacy hypothesis that I have argued since February 2021 (which is still strangely not talked about, which is a good sign that I’m perpetually targeted).

Since 2020, the number of “deaths of despair”, including suicides, has grown even higher. I suspect that these numbers are intended to balance out data such that the strangely unchanging correlation between health/wealth and mortality (by U.S. county) seems to fail to implicate the vaccines. In reality, this means that the vaccine deaths offset what otherwise would have looked like a change in trend by piling some excess mortality into wealthier counties that suffered few deaths of despair.

If you’re surprised that you haven’t seen this argument, much less most any of my work, anywhere argued in the dissident movement, it’s time to start asking if understanding the problem is actually the business of any of the parasocial heroes of the movement.

I have many other chat logs and emails that included discussions of opioids and all manner of other mortality variables, but Mark never bothered to ask me about the topic—he simply created a straw man that his audience would likely never investigate the truth into, and they’ve been spreading the lie (or templated into something new like “high flow oxygen”) and harassing me ever since.

The story is even worse than that. I am told by somebody who followed Mark in 2021 when Mark’s stepson tragically overdosed. This observer told me that just before the death of Mark’s stepson, Mark was going on air and lambasting the young man for being “lazy”. I haven’t watched those videos, so I cannot confirm that this is the case, so correct me if I’m wrong.

The situation is tragic, but Mark uses it as a tool to attack me. What sort of person does that? And what is the end goal?

I don’t want to go into the details as to why Mark started attacking me, but I believe that he is connected to military intelligence, and that he was the closest tool to me in proximity to drain energy from me while I refused to go along with the military health database (DMED) psyop. I have screenshots shared with me by numerous people of Mark saying all sorts of nasty things about me, like an insinuation that the one time I met him, I might have somehow poisoned him with COVID.

I have dozens of these sorts of screenshots, both from Mark and from people who suspiciously follow him and few others, and they’re all levels of batcov insane. This one mocks the abuse I went through as a child, something fostered by both Mark and JJ Couey on their platforms. I wonder who might be behind all those anon attack accounts…

Ironically, the DMED psyop is adhered to by many of the other people Mark attacks: Robert Malone, Pierre Kory, and others. Mark’s attacks on me serve the agenda of the people Mark builds his audience expressing outrage against. Strange, no?

If Mark is not an intelligence asset, I suspect that he needs a high grade of mental health services. Projecting responsibility of the death of one’s child onto strangers as a performance for a parasocial audience is deeply disturbing, no matter what the motivation. If you’re thinking this goes above and beyond what you would expected for a social blackmail scheme, then welcome to the Mindwar paradigm.

The problems with the Medical Freedom Movement (MFM) are many, but here are some of the most serious,

Uwe asks, almost accusingly, why my wife isn’t publicly engaging in arguments. Is he kidding?

The Mindwar tactics are so powerful that a wide portion of the MFM has been steered into thinking, “If there was not a novel virus, then people couldn’t have gotten sick,” despite the evidence of eyes and ears (if you have friends in this world, you know that people got sick, and not just in the usual ways). Part of the reason Uwe got irritated with me was that his mind could not handle a discussion of, “The pandemic was fake, but (I propose that) people got sick, and we should still be doing work to figure out the who and how of that situation,” which he morphed in his mind somehow to a completely different argument with an invisible and unexplained ad hominem tacked on.

Like thought-terminating cliches, these methods reduce people’s abilities to handle simple and rational conversation. Given the strength of the information firehose and enormity of the psychological warfare networks, most people would be best served to study the methodologies. Right now, the remaining independent minds in the MFM need this sorely:


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