Day of Reckoning

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News story source:, by Ms. Smallback
“For they sow the wind, and shall reap the whirlwind.” Hosea 8:7 I live in mainstream America, mostly middle class, with friends and family at every economic level except the filthy rich. There is a dissatisfaction that has grown into a dissatisfaction that has grown into resistance. If not mitigated, it will lead to rebellion. People are almost at the end of what they can tolerate. They have paid their dues, followed the rules and done everything they can to keep the peace. Although they are constitutional citizens of America (abiding by the precepts and principles of our founding documents), they have suffered unconstitutional and unprincipled acts and violations committed against them on an ever-increasing scale of quantity and quality. The mafia we call the United States government has turned its highest offices and agencies into vikings and pirates; and they have been robbing law-abiding citizens for far too long now. The mafia d
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