Sort of a rant… It’s been a LONG stressful week, but I really can’t complain… – Big Country Expat

Greetings and Greetings!
This was stone cold bastard of a week. I Real appreciate all the comments on last night’s post. The guy who mentioned diphtheria gets a BCE Gold Star for that… I completely forgot about the TDAP series…

Then again, it’s a pain in the ass to keep track of ALL the damn chems they want to inject into us, most of which is done when we’re little babes with no way to have a damn say in it…

And to see what I’m talking about, HERE is the link for the CDC’s “recommended vaccination schedule for ages 0 to 18” in PDF format.

It’s literally fifteen pages!!!!!

Wondering why autism has gone completely insane in the last decade?

True story:
Spawn#1 hated doctor visits as a little boy. To the point of a meltdown. The reason for this was that he associated the doctors with ‘painful things’, such as when he was forcibly examined several times as a toddler, some of which were somewhat unfortunately painful visits for him. Lots of x-rays and poking and prodding. The damn DotMil Clown OBGYN who delivered him stuck a heart monitor needle in his little nugget while he was being crowned, but did it –bad-.

He ended up developing a hematoma on his pumpkin that wouldn’t go away. Instead, it’s damned calcified. And because of the Quackery, as he was growing for the first few years, we had to take him to the DotMil hospitals regularly to check the calcification to make sure it wasn’t sticking, nor blocking growth plates, which would be a problem have been. wickedness.

No… in the long run, by the time he was four, the croakers exonerated him. But because it is calcified? A Light Bird Doc told me that the almost 6 x 3 inch calcification was almost 6-8mm thick. Told me: “If you say that boy is stubborn, then he really is! So much bone probably stuff a 230 grain .45 slug.

Like I always told him, if he ever finds himself in a hand-to-hand fight, lead with the right and dive down. Clash his opponent with his paw That damn thing… The kid does literally and physically fatter than me in the head…

Anyway, since he was hyper-sensitive to the Docs, and was the This only lasted for a while until I got a job as a Desktop Support Geek at a large medical hospital company in Boston and the surrounding burbs.

The track itself was cool.
There are a lot of good people working there, and as a guy who has been used to full-time medical coverage for over a decade, the “sticker shock” at the Civvie Med Market shocked my socks off. Until I got it this ‘golden performance’ that included a cover-to-cover Gold Level free healthcare plan for myself AND the fam. Needless to say, I found out who the best The damn pediatrician was at my location. However, his practice was closed, as it is/was the best.

Or maybe I should say so LAUNDRY closed until I activated my Dark Jedi Spec-4 Mafia Powers… As an IT nerd, I had full rights to ALL IT shit in the building. Doc Lev, until we came along (we were a contract company hired to maintain and upgrade their woefully old computer network(s), had his favorite Napster music downloaded and played on the work PC…until we locked went everything down. (‘Napster member??? OMFG I am old-old-old!!!)

Knowing this, and his wants/needs/desires, “I made him an offer he couldn’t refuse.” That was I couldn’t unlock Napster or any other similar site, However I gave him superuser rights (after consulting with my boss and the network nerds who knew the score) to be able to manually upload and play his music via USB.

Yes, we even locked down USB slots… I think we were early adopters of that because of HIPAA. No one else in the entire place had the skills I gave him, and I placed him under the “Omerta” for that… Let me tell you, Grateful?

After this, Doc Lev was my BFF for life.

And because of this great “dope deal”? When it came time to ‘treat’ Spawn#1 for his second turn?

First of all he (Doc Le3v) absolutely listened to me about my concerns about the preservative Thimerosal. Based on Mercury, and given what we’ve discovered about Big Pharma since then? Maaan, I’m fucking pleased I was so damn paranoid. At the time, I wasn’t about to let anyone shoot a multi-batch shot like the TDAP at my kids. My reasoning is that there is pretty good evidence that THAT is causing the spike in autism…

Second: Him unofficial agreed with my (and many others) hypothesis and told me “He had it covered”

Lev made sure that instead of the heavy preservative-laden single needle shot, he got us the individual shots with a quick shelf life. Did the same for Spawn#2 and that’s why I don’t think they’re retarded, except they’re damaged because they’re my children, right?

Mind you, yes. 3? or 4 shots instead of one?
That kinda sucked, but Lev hit Spawn so fast that he (Spawn) didn’t realize it was multiple needles because the initial ouchie was all he got. Lev even went so far as to create one heavy topical rubdown before shooting lidocaine. There really isn’t much more that could be done, but boom! Over and done.

The reason why Doc Lev was the best?

We had a ‘regular follow-up appointment’ in a few weeks? months? after the ‘shooting gallery’… I believe Spawn was four? and #2, the daughter was about six months old… Spawn was a naturally talkative and curious boy… the .charming little guy TBH.

Well… I was at work, so I waited for the Fam to show up. Spawn#1 was really bad Calm. Very different from himself. We all went to Doctor Lev’s exam room, and when the preparations were done, Spawn asked in a quiet, hesitant voice, “Doctor Lev, should I get any injections today?”

Lev wie TBH I –never– knew what to expect from him, since he was a quirky cool as fuck medic, looked at Spawn and said in a dead serious voice, “Well Spawn, I guess I’ll have to check that with my shoe!”

The X and I were both stunned and it was evident from the looks on our faces. Undeterred, Lev took off his loafer and shook it. A small folded piece of paper fell out. It floated to the ground, where Lev picked it up and gave it to Spawn, asking if he could read it.

Mind you, Spawn was soooo way ahead in reading ALL because of the X and her work it was insane. Spawn was at the first through second grade level four fucking years old. BOTH children were making so much progress…

So, Spawn, at this point was also baffled that this clearly deranged Doc was up to something, carefully unfolded the paper… and began trying to figure out the words printed on it with a large, bright black Sharpie Marker… He discovered it and read to us:

“No… Shots… For… Spawn… See you…bye!”

Which IMO was probably one of the damn ones coolest and most humanitarian things I have EVER personally seeing what a pediatrician does for a small child.

Spawn was of course overjoyed with this “Shoe-Message”

Good memories…

I wanted to rant about all kinds of things, but as usual I got sidetracked, so I’ll leave the headline for tonight’s wannabe Blegg. How did I end up here? I have no idea…well…I do, and that is that I miss my damn kids.

A lot of
It’s my own fault, and I can’t really blame them, but it still sucks, especially since not only have they not been in touch, but they have so much… I don’t know… Fuuuuuuck. ..I had to stop because I didn’t want a BCE pity party…

Especially in light of how shitty things are in NC right now.

Sorry about that.

It goes with the headlines… a LONG and STRESSFUL week.
Worried about Adriana
Concerned about NavyBro and his shy show in Hendersonville
Concerned about the elections if we even have one
Worried about “Have I done enough?”

Like I said.
“That’s a good enough word for tonight.

I’ll leave it at that. I hope you had a laugh at Doc Lev’s pranks… I have no idea where he ended up, but whatever happens, I wish him nothing but happiness and peace for what and how he did to me and the mine took care of it.

More later
Big country

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