Assertion Of Top Down Control Of Counties

From a Tweet by @SenseReceptor on X.

“The goal of this operation and (Hurricane Helene) is an operation, it’s not a natural event…(it) got steered in my opinion,” Fitts says. “The goal of this operation is to take assets and…it’s basically a giant taking…to grab land.”

“The investment banker says:

“We’re having lots of reports of land grab tactics being applied” and adds that the operation “relates to the (U.S. presidential) election.”

“I suspect we’re seeing the White House basically—and, again, this is conjecture—negotiate terms. You know, you’ll get disaster recovery if, you know, you do this, this, and this for the election,” Fitts says.

“The president is saying he’s gonna call back Congress, that there’s not enough money at FEMA to go through the hurricane season, and so they’re strong-arming Congress to come back and basically give the administration what they want on the continuing appropriations process.”

“Furthermore, Fitts says this is also an instance of central bankers attempting to wrangle more control for themselves. “This is all part of installing the digital ID and financial transaction infrastructure you need to assert absolute control,” Fitts says. “And if you look at the patterns, whether it’s the taking or the land grab or other other reports we’re getting out of that area, it looks to me like a lot of assertion of top-down control of counties.”

(Clip linked above.)

I just want to reflect on this a little bit. My thoughts may seem obvious and incomplete but I still want to try to put this down:

The recurring pattern we see, from Pearl Harbor, to JFK’s assassination, to Vietnam, to AIDS, 9/11, Katrina, “War in Iraq,” “Covid” and many more induced events I have not listed, is that the magic trick demands we view all aspects of the US “government” as an incarnated spectral being that can vanish and re-appear at will. The main thing to observe is that it is never protective. The guardians of the gates of culture, the ruling classes, guard and protect the trance state that insists Government could not possibly have known/anticipated/done better etc. They do this in many entrenched ways, including by donning windbreakers, going to the scene, and intoning the “tragedy,” but never who let it happen and how.

It (Government) is all-mighty and good and yet it can’t anticipate, nor prevent any catastrophic events its numerous spectral “enemies” (these days including MAGA, imaginary viruses, climate change and “misinformation” on social media.)

Nixon’s War On Cancer And The Growth Of The HHS-NIH-NIC-CDC Beast

Just one example among millions once could point to:

Kate Middleton, Princess of Wales, getting an annihilating cancer, means (apart from mRNA induced turbo cancer reality) that the entirety of the “cancer research” establishment and apparatus since at least Nixon is bankrupt. It can neither predict, prevent, nor cure most cancers.

But nobody says: “Doesn’t that mean none of your models for causes of cancer were correct?”

Instead, the focus is always in the proper funereal emotions, with special emphasis on how brave everybody is.

Linked here (halfway down the post) is my 2006 article on Peter Duesberg’s decades long battle with the Anaconda, and Fauci, in American “cancer science.” It’s a story about a vindictive mafia.

There you see the pattern: Destroy the best scientists. Then land grab their work and attribute it to your own, controllable scientists. Read more about the Duesberg/Rasnick Chromosomal Imbalance Theory Of Cancer at Dr. David Rasnick’s amazing website here, and you can access Peter Duesberg’s essential works here. These vintage papers cling like Waterford crystal when you read them, compared to the swill of the Covid era’s “scientific literature.”

PEARL HARBOR: Roosevelt’s 9/11

James Perloff on Pearl Harbor is a must read. I also passionately recommend his jaw-dropping “13 Pieces Of The Jigsaw: Solving Political, Cultural and Spiritual Riddles Past and Present.

This book contains the blueprint for the endlessly repeated Magic Tricks of the Global Anaconda. The media’s role is usually underestimated, but not by Perloff, not in this book. What he documents about William Randolph Hearst is astonishing.

Hearst only needed to commission and publish crude drawings of foreign enemies, and their supposed dark deeds, raping women and what have you: This sufficed to turn the nation to become hellbent on bloodthirsty revenge in various induced “wars.” Only the technologies have changed, not the essence of the Trick. Manipulate the mass response by creating the calamity, then point away, then start a new war. Repress human liberty. Seize property. Enslave. Give people nourishing moral myths.

1. They plan it and make it happen. Then stand back and start churning allowable mass emotions for the public, via the media. Then only crazy people would oppose what must happen next.

  1. They never explain why or how they let the shocking catastrophe happen.

  2. Congress releases colossal funds and green lights new wars. The “anything they need” part of the Trick.

  3. Recent epoch: Areas destroyed by HAARP fires, hurricanes, and other weather weapons are overtaken by the government, in the name of safety.

  4. Media propaganda keeps all language and brainwaves focused on “Mother Nature,” or “pandemics” or plagues of racism and conservatism. Requires abandonment of all knowledge of the natural sciences, from climate to human biology.

  5. Tech billionaires beckon with a Better Way.

  6. NGOs, including many with religious cover, locked in with colossal government “funding.”

Here’s a clip about the utopian Technocracy movement, one of whose early leaders was Elon Musk’s grandfather. One of the main principles is “Trust The Experts.”

To reduce the sauce even more:


  1. Why did the entirety past and present of all US military budgets, surveillance etc, fail to detect or prevent 9/11? All cameras broken, even at the Pentagon, and so on and so on. Norad. (Bill Binney can answer this in full and everybody who has not seen “A Good American” really should watch it.) (In the beginning, I believed the government narrative. My brain was hijacked.)

  2. Why did Anthony Fauci get paid so much money since 1982, and get to crush so many allegedly wrong scientists, for decades, yet failed entirely to protect Americans from what he claimed was a “virus” called SARS Cov- 2, in 2020? (Again, I mean with Normal Hats on.) Why would people worship him in the middle of a “pandemic” it was his job to “prevent?” I would argue for Stockholm Syndrome, and collective PTSD.

  3. How, in 2024, does the entirely of meteorological prediction fail such that the citizens of Western North Carolina, were not warned of such a devastating “weather” event their entire town might obliterate and explode into mud, loaded with their dead, including children and babies?

  4. How did the Secret Service in 1963 fail to protect JFK from being shot in the head in Dallas?

  5. How did one of America’s great cities, New Orleans, wind up almost entirely under water, in 2005? You can read some basic facts here. The evacuation of 1.2 millions residents, before Katrina hit by then Mayor Ray Nagin seems like a mirage from a bygone era. It was, of course, too little, too late, and Nagin’s role, allegiances, and actions, could be debated for decades.

Prepare for lengthy Wikipedia outtake, from Ray Nagin’s page:

Hurricane Katrina

Main article: Effects of Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans

In August 2005, Hurricane Katrina entered the Gulf of Mexico. Early on Friday, August 26, Mayor Nagin advised New Orleanians to keep a close eye on the storm and prepare for evacuation. He then made several public statements encouraging people to leave but promising that if they did not evacuate, “(w)e will take care of you”.(25) By 10:00 a.m. Saturday, a mandatory evacuation was called for low-lying areas in the surrounding parishes—St. Charles, St. Tammany, Plaquemines, and Jefferson—and a voluntary evacuation for St. Bernard Parish. Nagin had, however, ignored federal and state offers of help and a recommendation to evacuate the entire city. (No citation here. Is this true? CF)

In addition to the parishes’ announcements, President George W. Bush declared a federal state of emergency for Louisiana.

In accordance with the regional evacuation plan, New Orleans, along with the surrounding areas of Jefferson and St. Charles parishes, were given formal voluntary evacuation orders around 50 hours from Katrina’s landfall. This phased approach along with “contraflow“, wherein all incoming interstate highway lanes are reversed outward, ensured that additional vehicles moving onto already congested roads would not create massive gridlock. The local newspaper reported that Nagin stopped short of ordering a mandatory evacuation because of concerns about the city’s liability for closing hotels and other businesses.(26)

(That was somehow magically no longer a concern for any US politician in the winter of 2020 when “Covid hit.” They build out the Anaconda black project by black project. CF)

Back to Wikipedia on Nagin:

After receiving a late night Saturday call from Max Mayfield, head of the National Hurricane Center, Nagin was advised that Katrina was headed to New Orleans. He ordered the city attorney to prepare legal documents for a mandatory evacuation of the city, the first in New Orleans’ almost 300-year history. On Sunday, August 28 at 9:30 a.m., the mandatory evacuation order was signed and communicated to the public. The Superdome was opened as a shelter of last resort, and police went throughout the city with loudspeakers alerting all remaining citizens to head to key pickup points for free bus rides. By Sunday evening 80% of New Orleanians and visitors were evacuated or relocated.(27)

After the hurricane hit, the federally built and maintained levees collapsed throughout the city. 80% of the city flooded, some areas as high as 20 feet, over rooftops. Food and water became scarce, and looting was common. After hearing reports of this, Nagin criticized the federal and state response on WWL radio, and his passionate outburst went viral.(citation needed)

(Note, I think it is significant that it says “citation needed” here. I want to hear it. CF)

In response to a question at a town hall meeting in October 2005, Nagin said: “I can see in your eyes, you want to know, ‘(h)ow do I take advantage of this incredible opportunity? How do I make sure New Orleans is not overrun with Mexican workers?'”(28)Some Hispanic groups, including the United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, criticized Nagin’s statement,(29) although those attending the town hall meeting reportedly applauded—many believing jobs should first go to locals displaced by the hurricane. Despite this comment, Nagin went on to say this was the city’s biggest economic opportunity and urged New Orleanians to get more comfortable working beside someone who did not look like them, as everyone’s help was needed. During a subsequent interview on Telemundo with Jose Diaz-Balart, Nagin praised the great work Hispanic workers did in New Orleans and said the city would not have recovered without them.(30)

(Do you see it? The creators of the catastrophe install the “good news” and “good things” that must be in place for the OPS of the future, in this case: Imported migrant populations taking jobs from struggling Americans. They are to be thanked. End of bad emotion, implantation of spell/trance. CF)


Main article: Chocolate City speech

Shortly after Katrina devastated New Orleans, there were calls for moratoriums on rebuilding certain neighborhoods.(31) Two weeks after Katrina struck, Nagin took a weekend trip to Dallas to reunite with his family. While there, he was asked to meet with leading New Orleans businessmen to discuss the city’s future. Nagin says he made it clear at the meeting that everyone had a right to return home, a claim contradicted by some businessmen in attendance.

(Highlights mine.)

Katrina Must Be Revisited: It Is The Blueprint For Helene, As AIDS Was The Blueprint For Covid

My sister Bibi is the only person I know who traveled, alone, to New Orleans, after Katrina, to volunteer. She stayed with our father’s friend Humberto Fontova, who exposed Ernesto “Che” Guevara as one of history’s most “bloodthirsty icons.”

Bibi wrote a harrowing, incredible article about her experience and I have asked her to see if she can find it because I would like to publish it.

Ken McCarthy of Brasscheck TV, and “What The Nurses Saw,” made a Katrina expose film but I am unable to find it. I’ll keep trying.

The Anaconda laid the groundwork in New Orleans, for this horrifying model of “land grabs,” and massacre of undesirable populations. Of course, the Anaconda “laid the groundwork” centuries earlier, one could argue, but I mean in the “modern age.”


Caller to InfoWars says there is video proof of the creation of Hurricane Helene, here.

Said proof is here, at Dane Wigington’s

At the very least, any mention of a “tropical storm,” “hurricane” or “tornado,” should henceforth be interpreted by all Americans as an incoming HAARP attack, and believe nothing of what media says about it. Assume they are perfectly content to kill you.

“Helene,” got way worse after landfall, in addition to the altered direction. I thought hurricanes were weakened by landfall. No?

Characteristic of The Anaconda is:



Never Before Seen.

Impossible To Anticipate.


No sign of “nature” as we know her, or ever knew her.

No explanations.

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