Latham ex-school counselor must spend 15 years in prison for child sex crimes

Albany County resident Kristy Lynne Koldis, 46, of Latham, was sentenced on Thursday, Oct. 3, said Carla Freedman, the U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of New York.

In previously pleading guilty, Koldis admitted to creating sexually explicit content depicting the lewd and lascivious exhibition of the victim’s genitals from the time the child was nine years old until he was 13, Freedman said.

Koldis then shared the files with Joshua White, 47, of Latham. Court records show White pleaded guilty in December 2023 and will be sentenced in December.

U.S. District Judge Mae A. D’Agostino also imposed special assessments totaling more than $55,000 and ordered Koldis to pay $5,000 in restitution.

Koldis will have to register as a sex offender upon her release from prison.

Homeland Security Investigations and the New York State Police investigated this case, which Assistant U.S. Attorney Michael D. Gadarian is prosecuting as part of Project Safe Childhood.

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