Southern California man suspected of sexual abuse takes videos of boy, 8

The Riverside County District Attorney’s Office believes there may be unknown victims of a 20-year-old Banning man accused of sexually assaulting an 8-year-old boy and then providing links to recordings of the images on the Internet.

John Edward Lario was arrested last month after Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) received a referral from a child exploitation task force in New Zealand on September 2, indicating that a link containing videos and images of child sexual abuse material originated in Riverside County , the district attorney’s office. declared.

A joint operation between HSI special agents and the Riverside County Child Exploitation Team (RCCET) resulted in a search of Lario’s home.

Johannes Edward LarioJohn Edward Lario is seen in an image provided by the Riverside County District Attorney’s Office.

“A search warrant served at Lario’s home led to the identity of the alleged victim, an 8-year-old boy,” the prosecutor’s office said.

Lario was arrested and charged by the Public Prosecution Service with sexual penetration or oral copulation of a child under the age of 10, lewd acts with a child under the age of 14, using a minor for sexual conduct for the purpose of data or images of the conduct to produce, and inflicting unjustified pain or mental suffering on, a minor.

If Lario is convicted as currently charged, he could face a possible life sentence.

Bail was set at $1 million.

Investigators also asked the public for help identifying and locating other possible victims of Lario.

Anyone with information was asked to call the RCCET Hotline at 866-723-3595.

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