A plea for mass deportation


Uncontrolled illegal immigration to America is perhaps the most dangerous problem facing our country today, and with each day it remains unresolved, the risk of a September 11 terrorist attack only increases.

Despite the risk, we can’t even touch the subject without the left and the mainstream media collapsing. Even suggesting that the flow of undocumented immigrants could pose some sort of national problem will quickly be labeled as a racist, stupidly intelligent conversation before it can even begin. But as any right-thinking Conservative will tell you, the calls to close the border and deport the people who have sneaked into our country have Nothing have to do with race.

In his most recent TV special, Glenn detailed the kind of dangers we have allowed into our countries, with facts and figures that prove that if we don’t act quickly, we will be in trouble. deep problem. Glenn made it clear: we must carry out a mass deportation or risk being torn apart from within. Here are three reasons in favor of mass deportations:

Islamic terror cells form in South America.

Congressional testimony from the Committee on Homeland Security in 2011 revealed that Hugo Chavez held a “secret summit” in Caracas, Venezuela, involving the Supreme Leader of Hamas, Hezbollah’s Chief of Operations and the Secretary General of Palestinian Islamic Jihad were involved. It is clear that a radical Islamic terrorist presence has existed in Venezuela since then (and possibly before). There is currently an Iranian beachhead off the Venezuelan coast on the island of Margarita, where the Iranian government conducts criminal activities and recruits and trains Venezuelan gangs. These gangs have used our border crisis to infiltrate the US. The most notorious of these gangs, Tren de Aragua, has been declared a terrorist organization by the state of Texas.

Terrorist-backed gangs smuggle weapons and tear through the country.

What are these Iranian-trained and backed gangs doing in America? As you can imagine, nothing good. This year alone, an estimated one million rounds of ammunition, 1.2 million weapon parts, 3,000 pieces of body armor and thousands of other military paraphernalia have been smuggled across the border. Furthermore, they have already taken over an apartment complex in Aurora, Colorado and are now terrorizing the remaining residents.

It is notable that the gang managed to move into the apartment in the first place because they received grants from an NGO supporting Colorado’s asylum seeker program, using money given to the state by the Biden administration in 2021.

Gangs have attacked military bases.

It doesn’t stop at apartment complexes either. A leak from the US military revealed that the gangs have carried out in-depth attacks on military facilities within the US Members have been observed taking surveillance photos of Lackland Air Force Base and firing multiple shots into the facility. Another military base in Texas, Fort Sam Houston, caught a gang member trying to gain access to the facility. This coincides with suspicious activity documented in the Permian Basin, the largest oil field in the US

They smuggle in stretched out quantities of military equipment, surveying and investigating military facilities and key energy sites, and taking over residential areas. What precisely is going on and why isn’t the federal government taking this more seriously?

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