Mexican troops kill six migrants hours after President Sheinbaum’s inauguration

Mexican National Guard troops massacred six migrants in the southernmost state of Chiapas on Tuesday, just hours after the inauguration of nominally “leftist” President Claudia Sheinbaum, who replaced her mentor Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

Mexican National Guard soldiers suppress a migrant caravan, October 29, 2020 (Photo: Comisión Nacional de Derechos Humanos)

Soldiers rained bullets on a pickup truck carrying 33 migrants. The driver then lost control and the vehicle overturned. Those who died had been shot in the head and back, and ten survivors were injured, some with critical wounds.

Three of the dead were from Egypt, the others from Peru, Honduras and El Salvador. The survivors included migrants from Nepal, Cuba, India and Pakistan.

The Defense Department claims three pickup trucks evaded a checkpoint at high speed at 8:50 p.m., leading to a brief chase. Soldiers then shot at a truck after reportedly hearing “two explosions.” The migrants were unarmed.

The statement said the trucks resembled those used by gangs, but are the types of trucks, with closed cattle pens in the back, that are used to transport both migrants and Mexican workers traveling to farms and other workplaces.

The massacre took place along the Villa Comaltitlán-Huixtla highway that is often used by migrants as they leave the town of Tapachula, which sits on the border with Guatemala.

At a press conference Thursday, Sheinbaum said coolly: “First, this is a deplorable act and must be investigated and punished.” The two soldiers involved were taken into custody, she added.

The only point she emphasized was that the Federal Public Prosecution Service will investigate the case and not leave it in the hands of the military. However, a few hours later, the federal prosecutor released its own statement supporting the military’s story, adding that the soldiers were responding to a call about “armed people,” and that the soldiers not only reported hearing explosions, but ‘that they also heard explosions’. attacked… and therefore repelled the attack, apprehending a green pickup truck while the other two vehicles fled.”

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