The Storm is here! – The Burning Platform

Submitted by NtroP

Via Tierney’s Real News

By now, most of America knows that Hurricane Helene was devastating, has killed many Americans in the SE United States (and more bodies are still missing) and that the Obama-Biden-Harris regime, and FEMA, took several days to respond to the disaster and are slow-walking any help.

That was just confirmed by FEMA whistleblowers who state the Obama-Biden-Harris regime stole FEMA money intended for storm victims and gave it to illegals and FEMA is delaying help to US citizens on purpose:

What most people don’t know is there is a HUGE back story to this storm that is not being reported. How did this happen? How were people caught so off guard?


What I’m about to tell you is my educated OPINION – after studying hundreds of posts and videos online about Helene.

Aftermath of Hurricane Helene seen near Spruce Pine, North Carolina, which supplies much of the world's high-purity quartz for semiconductor manufacturing.

I’m going to give you lots of links that you can explore on your own (text highlighted in red) if you want more information on any topic. I’m going to try to give you my top-line conclusions in 10 minutes and you can do more research on your own if you wish.

Flood waters beneath a mountain

I’ve told you many times before that I believe the New World Order (NWO) swamp RECREATES past events to give them credibility and then changes the narrative and the endings to suit their current purposes.

For example, I believe that what happened to George Floyd was a remake of an earlier Floyd arrest in 2019 and what happened to another man named Tony Timpa in Dallas some 3 years prior. They use old events to give their false flags credibility and then create their own version and rewrite the ending. By false flag – I don’t mean that the events are fake – they are very real with real people – I mean they are CREATED on purpose for a narrative and people DO die.

How the Dallas police's open portal led ...

The Parkland school massacre in Florida was a remake of what happened in the UK at Dunblane school in 1996. The same with other school shootings in America.

16 kids were slaughtered in the UK to enable the Government to frighten parents so much that the authorities were able to confiscate weapons from law-abiding citizens and render them defenseless. They slaughtered kids for gun control. That’s what they want to do in America. Why? Because it worked in Europe.

The “motive” for the Dunblane massacre was never determined – just as all the shootings in America end with the FBI saying: “Motive unclear.”

Also, I’ve reported many times that weather events (hurricanes, floods, heat waves, ice storms, etc.) and wildfires often miraculously appear to happen in strategically located places at just the right time. Like in Lahaina in Maui. That was a land grab under the guise of arson but the NWO called it “climate change.”

An aerial view of burned houses in Lahaina, Hawaii.

Last spring, the NWO was caught injecting salt crystals into the atmosphere to cause flooding, manipulate the weather and the barometric pressure for Easter. They tried to hide it from the public. Remember how COVID was timed to shut down Easter services? I do.

That’s geoengineering but the NWO calls it “climate change.”

May be an image of text that says ' Subscribe NEW Solar geoengineering experiment in San Francisco injected "salt crystals" into the atmosphere to reflect sunlight. The project was not widely announced "to avoid public backlash." back Geoengineering test quietly launches salt crystals Ganengneingrsryriylanhus into atmosphere 1.3M'

It’s well known that the cartels start wildfires out west near legal marijuana grows because they want to control the drug trade in the US – and the NWO lets them. That’s invasion and arson but the NWO calls it “climate change.”

It’s also obvious that the NWO starts wildfires in Canada using HAARP, lasers and DEW and lets the prevailing winds bring the smoke to the United States to “pollute” the atmosphere the same way that Communist Chinese coal plants send toxic smoke to America across the Pacific.

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China's Energy Nationalism Means More Coal

It’s also well-known that the NWO has been manipulating weather systems since the 1940s and is pretty good at it and now they have satellite lasers and more sophisticated equipment (beyond HAARP) to make it even easier.

1) Storms are created when warm fronts and cold fronts collide.

2) They can seed clouds with moisture to create rain.


3) They can use lasers to heat up cities (concrete, asphalt, brick) to unbearable temperatures.

4) They can use lasers to HEAT UP clouds, water and the atmosphere to CREATE colliding storm fronts and massive hurricanes.

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5) With enough moisture and enough heat – they can create Category 5 hurricanes and then stall them for Noah-like flooding.

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Town of Boone floods in the Blue Ridge ...

This is not rocket science. The NWO and the CIA have been doing this stuff on a small scale around the world and at home for years – since the 1950s. Now that they have SATELLITE LASERS to do it – the scope of their terror is unlimited.

No photo description available.

It’s also well known that the NWO engages in tactics to enable them to CONFISCATE land or natural resources that they need for themselves from any region or country on earth. I’ve written about that many times.

So, what does all this have to do with Hurricane Helene? Too many people think things like COVID, mass shootings, George Floyd, terror attacks, invasive species, assassinations, wildfires & sudden unexplained weather shifts like Helene are organic and just happen. NOPE.

When did I know for sure that Hurricane Helene was engineered by the NWO? When the first question asked by CBS at the VP debate was about how Helene MUST be due to climate change. They immediately turned the disaster into a political talking point to help the Democrats win the White House.


SO, the next thing I did was start to look at the details reported about Helene and research the area.

First, did you know that there was a Hurricane called Helene on September 24, 1958 that started about the same way this one did but then died and veered off to the right into the Atlantic ocean?

There was also a similar tropical storm in 2000 called Helene that was not declared a Hurricane. That storm slowed as it reached shore and veered off to the Atlantic.

LIVE: At least 44 deaths reported amid ...

Surprise, surprise. Do you think that was a coincidence? I do not. Helene of 2024 was declared a hurricane on September 24, 2024 – the exact same day as 1958.

The only difference is that Helene of 2024 miraculously strengthened in a very short period of time (rather than weakened) and shifted course to the West. What could cause that shift and why did they choose THAT path? Why didn’t the weather service warn people and why has FEMA been so slow to respond?

Helene seemed to intensify RATHER than weaken as it proceeded inland – then moved through Georgia, and soaked portions of the Carolinas and Tennessee with torrential rains that flooded creeks and rivers and strained dams.


The path of Helene 2024 went straight through predominantly conservative areas where Trump voters live – and it also went through land that contains critical elements and mines (like lithium and quartz) to make computer chips. Hmm.

The ultra-pure quartz in this region plays a crucial role in the production of semiconductors, which act as the brains of microchip-powered devices, including smartphones and computers but also gaming consoles, cars and medical devices. Semiconductors also play a vital role in artificial-intelligence (AI) technology. North Carolina also sits on the largest lithium deposit in the United States.

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Helene dumped 24 inches of rain on a key quartz plant and mining complex in Spruce Pine, North Carolina that provides 90% of the world’s chip material. Inside nearly every cellphone and computer chip, you’ll find quartz from Spruce Pine. Coincidence? Again, I think not.

“If you wanted to identify one mine complex that is critically important to the semiconductor manufacturing industry, and also solar panel industry, it’s the Sibelco and The Quartz Corp mines in Spruce Pine.”

The Quartz Corp facility near Spruce Pine, North Carolina, is seen during a CNN flyover of the area on Monday, September 30.

Remember, the 2021 global chip shortage ultimately caused by COVID meant that car manufacturers were building nearly complete cars but couldn’t ship them because they lacked chips.

People think these land grabs are a conspiracy but I lived it myself. I owned a lake cabin adjacent to a ROW that the Feds wanted – they offered me peanuts and I refused to sell – so they burned down 28 full grown pine trees on my property (they said it was a mistake) and offered me $280. I sued them and won – $28,000. So, I know how land grabs work.

Seth Keshel, an election data guru, estimates that some 50,000 Trump votes could be lost due to the path of this horrific storm. Many people who live there believe they have been abandoned on purpose by the Obama-Biden-Harris regime for that very reason.

Even worse, the NWO has been shipping illegals to the storm areas so they can vote for citizens who can’t.

Here’s more proof that this region is predominantly conservative.


Even Obama’s guy, David Axelrod, said on his podcast that Trump voters will find it hard to vote in the storm areas. He laughed about it!

There’s also a law that allows overseas people who never lived there to vote in North Carolina. I’m guessing that’s also part of the plan – they will swap out citizen votes with these votes as well. There is NOT an election fraud scam they won’t try!



They used to call it GLOBAL WARMING but the planet is actually getting cooler so they had to come up with something new – called CLIMATE CHANGE. The only way to make you think that’s real is to artificially create strange changes in the weather!

All of these weather fronts are easy to manipulate in any region of the world at any time.

Even Marjorie Taylor Greene is speaking out about how they manipulate the weather:

The timing of her post is a sure sign that she knows that Helene was manipulated.

If you still don’t believe they can manipulate storms – you can find information right on the NOAA website:


Obama-Biden-Harris’ FEMA says they have no taxpayer money left to help the victims because they’ve already sent it to Ukraine and other places.

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They sent billions to other countries and to illegals so they only have $750 left per family for the US citizens who are victims of the NWO’s latest storm scam!

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Trump has already visited the region with Franklin Graham and started a fundraiser for the families himself! I donated – if you can please do so.

Main fundraiser photo


We do not have equipment readily available to provide emergency energy to those impacted by the hurricane because we have shipped large quantities of transformers and other electrical equipment to Ukraine.

We do NOT have 360 substations worth of transformers and other electrical equipment that could be used in America to help those in need. It could take a very long time to restore power to everyone.

Both our military and non-military support for Ukraine has left us less prepared for domestic disasters like Hurricane Helene.

So Obama-Biden-Harris not only shipped Ukraine our money and our ammunition and our soldiers and drained our strategic oil reserves – they also have sent our emergency back-up energy systems to Ukraine as well.

May be an image of ‎4 people, train and ‎text that says '‎Ambassador Bridget A.... @USAmbKyiv ·… Follow The US is helping @Ukrzaliznytsia keep the power on & trains running this winter despite Russian attacks on civilian infrastructure. Proud to see @USAID deliver 4 transformers to keep Ukraine's "iron people" moving goods & , supporting the war effort and Ukraine's recovery. CHESM الملا 1:54PM• 2/14/24 .2/14/24FromEarth-45KViews From Earth. 45K Views‎'‎‎

I predicted over a year ago that the Communists would come at us every way they can think of to rig or stop the election – and if that failed they would totally destroy our country and then frame Trump as Herbert Hoover as he is left to fix the mess they made.

If you’re not paying attention – now would be a good time. Pray, vote and buy more guns and ammo.

I wrote back then:

“If Trump wins, he will be handed a country in basically a depression for a majority of its people, on the brink or actually in WW3, a wide open border and a 5th column of millions of anti-American military aged men within that border, a deteriorating military, a nation so in debt it will struggle to raise capital, a country with fragile supply lines for most of the goods it needs, a divided population with half brainwashed by the media to hate the concepts the country was founded on, and a government staffed with people who will be actively fighting everything he does.

Pray for our country because regardless of who wins, it’s going to be a long, hard fight to keep this country together, let alone make it great again.”

Finally, is this what they’re going to blame the grid failure they have planned for election day? Nothing is off the table. Have you voted yet?

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Satan and Sodomy: Understated and Inflammatory Words – 9News Nigeria

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