The real reason why people leave…

One of Donald Trump’s favorite and most frequent brags is about his rallies and the size of the crowds he attracts to see him speak.

In recent months, the former president has seemingly become increasingly obsessed with turnout, as well as his ratings and other optics — so much so that the Democratic party has become the butt of jokes and jokes.

But despite his claim that “no one” is leaving his meetings, held at a recent town hall event in Flint, Michigan, it appears that isn’t entirely true. In fact, it has been known, and seen on live broadcasts, that dozens of gamblers leave events early.

It appears Trump has become more frustrated and fixated on crowd size since Kamala Harris confronted him about it during their presidential debate, when she suggested people were leaving early out of “exhaustion and boredom.”

“She said people are leaving, people aren’t going to her rallies, there’s no reason to go,” Trump shot back, as Harris laughed silently. “People don’t leave my rallies, we have the biggest rallies, the most incredible rallies in the history of politics.”

Despite Donald Trump’s claims that this was not the case, many people left his rallies early due to the long duration of his speeches and the slowness (REUTERS)

However, interviews conducted by the WashingtonPost of several supporters leaving the rallies found that Trump’s tardiness, the length of his speeches and his rhetoric, among other factors, influenced their decision.

At a recent meeting in Las Vegas, a After The reporter standing at the door counted that more than 200 people left in the first twenty minutes. According to the newspaper, one attendee said they were still pro-Trump, but that he would have said “You’re fired” if someone else had come as late as he did. The ex-president reportedly arrived on stage an hour late.

Anastasia Bennett, 22, told the newspaper she had grown tired of the former president’s constant insults – she now plans to vote for Harris.

“It was the insults and the fact that I was an hour late,” she said.

At a rally in Tucson, Arizona, Carlos Chaboya, 65, said he arrived for the rally at 8:30 a.m. and was still one of the last to be let in. He had to leave early because he had to fix the internet for his daughter at home.

“I have to sort it out for her again, so that’s what I’m going to do,” Chaboya, who is retired, told the After.

Trump has insisted that ‘no one’ leaves his rallies early and has reportedly told allies that his supporters want a ‘show’ (AFP via Getty Images)

Other guests have expressed frustration that even after traveling long distances to see Trump speak and waiting for hours, they are still being denied entry.

The former president appeared undeterred by concerns about his height, and has reportedly ignored advisers’ advice to cut back on time. ‘They want a show. They want two hours,” he previously told an ally, who was with the After on condition of anonymity.

However, some within the Trump campaign still agree with the president’s rhetoric surrounding his speeches.

“The fake news media never wants to report the truth about President Trump’s rallies: they are the biggest political events in history,” Trump campaign spokeswoman Karoline Leavitt said in a statement.

“Everywhere President Trump goes, thousands of supporters show up to see him, lining up for hours to hear him deliver his uplifting message to make America strong, safe and wealthy again.”

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