A death cult is a cult » John C. Wright’s Journal

May old readers forgive me, this is a previously discussed topic: to nausea. But given recent events, a repeat may be in order.

Marxism is a religion because it has the qualities common to all religions: (1) an explanation or myth to explain the human condition (2) that imposes moral duties on its adherents (3) that are sometimes of paramount importance above all his worldly duties.

The courts allow exclusion from military service if the conscientious objection is based on a religion; and churches are tax-exempt, as are certain charities. For obvious reasons, mere personal conviction or a secular allegiance to pacifism is insufficient to be exempt from taxes or selective military service imposed on all other human beings.

Until the pandemic hoax, religious objections to vaccination mandates were maintained, as were, until recently, demands by religious organizations to pay for abortion, contraception and euthanasia.

Clearly, it violates the First Amendment for the federal government to say what is or is not a religion, for fear that the state would use this power to suppress or exclude unpopular denominations.

It is also clear that if the government is required to exempt certain people or institutions from duties and taxes that apply to all others on religious grounds, the courts, however reluctantly, must determine what is or is not a religion. If it were left to the private citizen to say so, every draft dodger would claim to be a pacifist immune from the draft whenever it suits him.

So the definition given above, however crude it may be, serves a court of law to determine what is or is not a religion. I argue that Marxism meets this three-part definition, as does Cultural Marxism, also called Wokeness: each has a world myth to explain the human condition; each imposes moral duties; which sometimes destroy all worldly duties.

For Christians, the human condition is explained by the fall of man, the crucifixion of Christ, and the Second Coming.

The fall of man creates original sin, and with it the suffering and death, which afflict all mortals.

At the crucifixion, people are saved from sin and mortality. All people become like brothers, and while differences in rank or degree are allowed in this worldview, differences in moral worth are not. All men, high and low, saint and sinner, neighbor and stranger, bear the image and likeness of God in their human nature; and from this comes an equality of rights and dignity.

This equality forbids the worship of Glorious Leaders as gods, not of Pharaoh, not of Caesar, not of Lenin.

At all other times Christians are obliged to obey worldly magistrates, and to submit with peace, even to unjust princes. Only when human law violates God’s law is disobedience and martyrdom permitted.

The Second Coming promises a new heaven and a new earth, when all earthly ills, scarcity and death will disappear, and glory will last forever.

This worldview imposes a duty to follow Christ, love your neighbor, and worship God alone, which in turn requires you to defy the police and princes if and when they become corrupt, and command you not to worship God. Then you must accept martyrdom instead of obeying.

For Marx, the Fall is the invention of private property. For Marx, private property alienates a man from his labor, because he exchanges the fruits of his labor with other people, and thereby loses his innocence, which would otherwise enable him to share all things in common, as noble savages do . That is why selfishness comes into the world.

In this worldview, the social order, and not the nature of man, is the source of all human ills. People are not born sinful; they are born a blank slate, sinless and pure, and only become sinful when they have been conditioned to sin by their upbringing. Their education is determined by the social order, which in turn is determined by their material conditions, especially the means of production.

Therefore, material conditions and nothing else shape man’s moral and philosophical character and dictate what he believes. As material conditions are improved through improvements in productivity, organization, technology and trade, the means of production evolve, which therefore brings about a change in the moral character of man.

If you educated a man in a perfect society, and wrote nothing on his blank slate but the higher ideals, he would be perfect.

Unfortunately, in the current era of world evolution, material conditions do not allow for perfection.

Instead, the factory system creates an impoverished class, who, deceived by the empty promises of religion and a future life, becomes increasingly poorer as the means of production evolve. All monopolies grow, conquer all markets, together form one world monopoly and reduce wages to subsistence levels.

Ultimately, this impoverished class can no longer tolerate exploitation and revolt. They will then move to a new, previously unimaginable system of production, which will operate without prices, without wages, without resource scarcity and without the need to economize on goods.

All men will work voluntarily, each according to his worth, and will distribute the products of their labor freely among others, to each according to his need. A dictatorship of the impoverished class, the proletarians, will be necessary only initially to distribute goods and allocate work quotas, until the change in consciousness makes all men perfect in selflessness and altruism, that is, a perfect socialist man, after which peaceful anarchy will arise. to acquire.

All worldly ills are caused by private property, and so will disappear when private property is seized for the common good. Poverty will disappear, as will all forms of government, and glory will endure forever.

Therefore, the Second Coming is the promised proletarian world revolution that will usher in Utopia.

And Marx is Christ, or at least Mohammed.

Cultural Marxism is merely Marxism dressed up as a concern for social injustice and racial struggle, rather than a concern for economic inequality and class struggle.

Woke is just a simplified cultural Marxism applied to race wars.

Feminism and gender theory are deadened. Cultural Marxism applied to sexual roles and sexual aberrations.

Marxism and its epigones, cultural Marxism, feminism and racial hoaxsterism, create a worldview that imposes a duty to undermine, corrupt and revolt against the current world system in all its forms, as the world system is seen as the source of all human evil, and the future utopia is seen as the only remedy.

This requires defying police and princes if and when they maintain law and order. For if utopia is prevented solely by the current world system, then law and order are merely maintaining an evil law, aka systemic racism, and an evil social order, aka patriarchy.

This evil law and order is all the more sinister because it is completely invisible and untraceable. Only the Enlightened, blessed by the Prophet Marx, peace be upon him, have special spiritual ears that can hear the dog whistles of racism, where the ignorant (not knowing that they are racists) transmit their signals to each other to continue the invisible web of racism to stand firm. systemic racism; or have spiritual eyes to see the glass ceiling that prevents women from reaching leadership positions; or spiritual flesh soft enough to be bruised by otherwise implacable microaggressions.

But once the police and world leaders come under the control of the Enlightened, contrary to the Christian worldview, world leaders in politics and business, and indeed in all areas, must deter and abolish the worship of God, as this worship a core part of the evil world system, an opiate for the masses, an outdated, unscientific superstition of the uneducated, and perhaps a form of child abuse.

Religion is the only source of violence in all of history. Therefore, any violence against any religious person, place or thing, from destroying churches, to closing them as non-essential, to burning them, to financing Mohammedan attempts to humiliate, enslave them and to murder, justified, and indeed required.

This is why the clergy are the first people to be hanged and shot under socialist regimes.

If the police and the princes do not corrupt the Church, the faithful true believer in Marxism or the Wokehoax or whatever must take up arms against the helpless and innocent, and make them martyrs.

As you can see, Leftism, Wokeness, Neo-Marxism, or whatever name it goes by these days – the name changes as often as necessary, to avoid identification – fits into the legal definition of religion, even if there is no worship of any divine being is involved. Their myth explains the human condition, especially the origins of human ailments; moral duties are imposed; and these duties sometimes require the defiance of all human laws to the contrary.

Leftism, Wokeness, Neo-Marxism or whatever, are just the inverse image of true religion. It is more evil than good, it is a culture of death rather than a culture of life.

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