Wildy & Sons Ltd — The World’s Legal Bookstore Search results for ISBN: ‘9780198902379’

Illegal Firearms Markets and Organized Crime: Global, Regional, and Local Perspectives

ISBN13: 9780198902379

To be published: February 2025

Publisher: Oxford University Press

Country of publication: Great Britain

Format: Bound

Illegal firearms are a major enabler of organized crime groups and illegal trafficking. They facilitate conflicts over control of these markets, deter legitimate state actors from intervening, are used to threaten and coerce communities, to extort money from victims, and to facilitate a range of crimes. The sale of illegal firearms and organized crime together cause significant economic, social and political damage. There is a clear and urgent need to better understand how illicit firearms markets are linked to other forms of transnational organized crime, including drug trafficking.

Illegal firearms markets and organized crime is an interdisciplinary collection featuring contributions from leading and emerging experts whose research considers the intersections between illegal firearms, organized crime, and criminal networks around the world. This groundbreaking research examines the trafficking of illegal firearms across different regions, with a specific focus on the interconnections and interrelationships between this trade and organized crime. Each chapter considers a particular global region and/or a specific thematic area, shedding light on the links between markets, the firearms trade and organized crime.

A number of important themes emerge from this collection, including: the methods and routes by which firearms enter illicit markets; illegal firearms as an enabler and enabler of other criminal markets and crimes; the role of illegal firearms in exacerbating organized crime and violence; as well as policy responses to illegal firearms and their effectiveness, including unintended consequences.

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