Britain sanctions Russian military for use of chemical weapons on battlefield

Britain sanctions Russian military for use of chemical weapons on battlefield

Russia’s Radiochemical and Biological Defense (CBR) unit and its commanders have been sanctioned for deploying barbaric chemical weapons in Ukraine. Britain has condemned Russia’s blatant violation of the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) and called on Russia to immediately stop such activities. The Secretary of State’s personal mission to address the full spectrum of the Kremlin’s malign activities through our sanctions arsenal.

The Russian military has publicly admitted to using dangerous chemical weapons on the battlefield, with extensive use of riot suppressants and several reports of the use of chloropicrin, a toxic asphyxiant first deployed on World War I battlefields.

Russia’s blatant disregard for the Chemical Weapons Convention is a serious violation of international law. Agents of Putin’s mafia state were also responsible for deploying the deadly nerve agent Novichok on the streets of Salisbury in 2018 and against opposition leader Alexei Navalny in 2020.

Among those under sanctions today are the Russian military’s radiological, chemical and biological defense units and their leader, Igor Kirillov, who was tasked with helping deploy these barbaric weapons. Kirillov has also been a leading voice for the Kremlin’s disinformation, spreading lies to cover up Russia’s shameful and dangerous actions.

Foreign Secretary David Lammy said:

Britain will not stand by and watch Putin and his mafia state flout international law, including the Chemical Weapons Convention. I have made it my personal mission to oppose this evil activity and I will never give up.

Russia’s cruel and inhumane tactics on the battlefield are abhorrent. I will use all the power at my disposal to combat Russia’s evil activities.

To be clear; President Putin and those who carry out his actions will have nowhere to hide. We will continue to use sanctions to directly address and counter the Kremlin’s attempts to sow fear, division and disorder.

Defense Secretary John Healey said:

Our message to President Putin and his regime is clear: the point is that you cannot violate international law without facing consequences.

We will not allow blatant violations of the Chemical Weapons Convention and the rules-based international order to go unpunished.

Britain is taking tough action against those responsible for the horrific chemical attack in Ukraine. Our support for Ukraine is unwavering and will continue for as long as necessary.

In addition, two Russian Ministry of Defense research laboratories were sanctioned today for supporting the development and deployment of these inhumane weapons for use on the front lines.

Britain firmly supports Ukraine’s fight for liberty, freedom and victory against these barbaric attacks. We have provided Ukraine with essential equipment and training to protect its people from chemical weapons.

Britain has also committed to providing $3 billion in military aid to Ukraine every year for as long as the country needs it. British military, financial, diplomatic and political support for Ukraine is rock solid. We cannot and will not allow attackers like Putin to succeed.


Today’s action comes as Britain delivers a statement to the organisation’s Executive Committee outlining the UK’s commitment to the OPCW, both to the Chemical Weapons Convention and to standing up to those who seek to undermine it . The full speech can be found here.

Today’s sanctions include:

Radiochemical and Biological Forces of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation Igor Kirillov, Chief of the Radiochemical and Biological Forces of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation 27th Scientific Center of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation 33rd Central Scientific Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

These objectives are set out in the UK Chemical Weapons (Sanctions) (EU Withdrawal) Regulations 2019. Individuals are subject to asset freezes and travel bans, and companies are subject to asset freezes. The asset freeze applies to everyone within British territory and waters and to all British citizens anywhere in the world. It also prevents the provision of funds or economic resources to or on behalf of a named person. Individuals subject to a travel ban must refuse to enter or remain in Britain.




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