450 UN peacekeepers withdrawn from Central African Republic over sexual abuse allegations | by Hannah Uguru

In a statement sent to AFP News on Wednesday, Gabon’s Defense Ministry said: “In recent weeks, exceptionally serious acts against military ethics and the honor of our armed forces have been committed by certain elements in the Gabonese battalions … reported”.

The statement continued: “Following many pending cases of alleged sexual exploitation and abuse, the United Nations decided today to withdraw the Cagonese contingent from MINUSCA,” the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic.

The situation follows an extensive history of sexual abuse claims in the area; A UN spokesman, Stephane Dujarric, said allegations of misconduct against Gabonese troops date back to 2015.

Including new reports, the UN has received a total of 32 allegations of sexual exploitation and abuse against 81 alleged perpetrators from Gabon.

According to Dujarric, 6 of the 32 cases are substantiated in reviews.

In the wake of these latest violations, MINUSCA says an immediate response team has been deployed to the location where the abuse is alleged to have occurred in central CAR.

The mission claims it is assessing the situation, identifying preventive measures and raising awareness among communities on how to report sexual exploitation and abuse.

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