Watchman: The Freedom From Religion Foundation says the religious decals on the Texas Sheriff Truck (In God We Trust) are illegal and unconstitutional. SRH: Hey, Wicked Foundation! Come and take it down! We wait? Demonic times!


While on patrol, the deputies of the Kinney County Sheriff’s Dept. find comfort and strength in prayer and the teachings of God. Indeed.

Each patrol car proudly displays a Bible verse. For example, one officer proudly displays a passage from Ephesians on his vehicle.

“Wear the armor of God to stand strong against the devil’s strategies,” the verse says.

The Texas border community currently faces a significant threat from the influx of undocumented immigrants, including the presence of drug cartels.

The significance of the Bible verses lies in their role as a guiding force, as Kinney County Deputy Chief Armando Garcia explains, “God is our true leader.”

I have faith in God as a Christian. Garcia expressed his gratitude for the person who consistently helped them through dangerous circumstances.

However, the Freedom From Religion Foundation states that the religious emblems are against the law and the constitution.

An organization in Wisconsin is asking the sheriff to remove Bible verses from patrol vehicles.

“Kinney County must immediately remove Bible quotes from its official vehicles to uphold the constitutional separation of religion and government, and to recognize the diverse perspectives of its residents and employees,” FFRF said. The county’s display of Bible verses on government property and public statements about residents’ religious beliefs have raised concerns about their appropriateness.

The out-of-town atheists strongly suggested they would take legal action against Kinney County if the verses were not removed from the vehicles.

FFRF co-chair Annie Laurie Gaylor believed that the primary role of the Kinney County Sheriff’s Office is to uphold the law and maintain the peace, rather than engaging in religious preaching. This is an extreme and unacceptable action that violates the principles of personal beliefs and constitutional requirements.

I would like to conduct a survey of law enforcement agencies across the country. In a situation where someone is faced with imminent danger, the question arises: would they seek comfort in their faith or rely solely on their own strength?

Watchman: The Freedom From Religion Foundation has raised concerns about the religious decals on the Texas Sheriff Truck (In God We Trust), saying they may be illegal and unconstitutional. SRH: Hello, Godless Foundation! Take it down! What is the hold up?

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