Why Republicans Deserve to Win the US Elections (ahem…)

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Blain’s morning porridge 9e October 2024: Why Republicans Deserve to Win the US Elections.

“Markets will never accept the radical left lunatic who destroyed California.”

The US elections remain too close to split. In light of the negativity toward former President Trump in the mainstream press, I thought balance could be restored if the Red Team were given a chance to explain their perspective. (Ahm..)

The US election polls are fascinating. Apparently Trump is going to win because a polling organization sampled all six users of Trump Social and astonishingly posted a Trump Landslide prediction. In reality, not only are the polls too close to be meaningful, but Trump and Harris are also less than a point apart in the seven key battleground states. Since politics has an important influence on markets and the economy… what does this all mean?

After finding myself in horror at yet another “Donald Trump ate my hamsterstory in an American newspaper this morning, or perhaps it was the BBC documentary about Trump’s return to the place where he was shot. I wonder if it’s possible that I’m suffering negative bias against him. In the interest of maintaining my total neutrality regarding the US elections (ahem), I’m wondering if the deluge of negativity I’m reading about the Orange Narcissistic Man-Child might be affecting my judgment of the upcoming US popularity contest. to colour?

I decided that the only way to be honest about it would be to have one of my American Republican comrades explain rationally why Trump should win. Of course I hardly edited anything he wrote.. (!)

From the Red Corner…

“Who do those damn Democrats think they are?..They have absolutely destroyed the American economy and undermined America’s future! Kamala Harris is dumb as a rock, low IQ, radical left Marxist and would only make things worse – but she won’t get the chance because Trump will win, and if he doesn’t she will be guilty of electoral crimes and theft. That is irrefutable.

Following the exceptional strength and positivity of President Trump’s first term, which was reflected in the stock market rising by an unprecedented 20%, while confidence in the economy rose to record levels as President Trump basked in the love and joy of its adoring electorate, the US has spent the past four wasted years grappling with the greatest economic collapse of all time: stealing the livelihood from the mouths of the great American people. It’s all the fault of these so-called Democrats, who stole the elections that we all know are worse, much, much worse than the communists.

Dear Lord, I want to rinse my mouth with Carbolic after even thinking about their name!

Look at the evidence:

  • Over the past four years of Democratic Mismanagement and Woke Wars on the Great American People, the stock market has struggled, barely making a lethargic 54% gain since Sleepy Joe blatantly stole the election from President Trump.
  • The suffering of the working class is illustrated by the crushing reality of 4.1% unemployment, while entrepreneurial capitalism is so championed by its crackdown on the rich that only a miserable 200,000+ new jobs are created every month – and that all going to illegal immigrants.
  • The fact that US GDP has barely increased from $21 billion to $29 billion, an embarrassingly weak 38% increase, confirms four wasted years under Biden. The fact that the US has not sunk further into an economic downturn is entirely due to non-Democratic voting Republicans fighting to save the economy, and has nothing to do with the Democratic policies that are putting such pervasive pressure on the economy sets.

Meanwhile, higher interest rates have deliberately destroyed American jobs and prosperity – a deliberate conspiratorial choice by the left-wing Fed, the Treasury Department, wealthy neo-communists like Bill Gates, George Soros, and the Elites in the Democratic Leadership. . It has taken their puppet Biden almost two years to reduce inflation – after he personally initiated it with his ill-considered decision not to return Ukraine to Russia, forcing Putin into an all-out, purely defensive invasion.

While he whizzed away all day and embarrassed America on the world stage, he took the time to solve the inflation problem he created. Heck, even the damn British can get inflation down. If these incompetent people can do it, why hasn’t Biden done it?

Even as Biden destroyed the economy, millions of innocent, God-fearing American patriots have been canceled and sentenced to the Gulag of Democrat Woke punishment, including the brave patriots who visited our nation’s capital on January 6.e 2021 in support of Donald Trump’s efforts to expose the election theft. Globally admired journalists of Tucker Carlson’s caliber have had their reports sidelined by the left’s censorship that fills our newspapers with lies and untruths. Electoral rights have been used to protect patriots like JFK Jr. to silence.

Across America there has been a mass purge in education – any professor or teacher who dares to question any aspect of the left-wing communist agenda of immediate gender surgery for all children has been “disappeared.” Schoolchildren are fed dangerous falsehoods such as the “woman’s right to choose,” which directly contradicts the unquestionable wisdom of the Supreme Court. Some of our children don’t even know the names of the fourteen disciples – they have lost their love and obedience to God, all because of the Democrats’ war on decency, faith and Donald.

More time and effort has been wasted on the malicious prosecution of America’s most successful businessman and best president ever, Donald J. Trump, than has been spent on national security! The man is the most innocent, most innocent ever, of all crimes. Lies all lies from the thieving Joe and Crazy Kamala..

During his first term, Trump guided America away from conflict with his courage to actively engage and steer misguided nations, demonstrating that his hand of friendship could generate peace and prosperity. What have Biden and Harris done? They lead the US into inevitable wars and conflicts. Our allies no longer trust the US after Biden’s many cowardly withdrawals – entirely of his own making. While Donald Trump engaged and released the Taliban to create a better America-supporting Afghanistan, Biden clearly brought them to war again. It’s all Biden’s fault.

Trump will ensure America stays strong by reminding our allies where their best interests lie and withdrawing from NATO so that Europe will love us more. Those damn Yooropeans… who do they think they are?

Who Supports the Democrats? Nobody. We have Elon Mush, the most successful tech genius of all time. He’s there now, paying the brave Republicans $47 for every vote they take to the polls – because that doesn’t buy votes (which would be illegal), but a demonstration and reminder to America of how capitalism works. Some of the smartest and richest men in America not only voted for Trump, but financed him – and people should pay attention to that. If you want to get rich, do what the rich do and vote for Trump!

Trump’s economic plans are based on common sense and pragmatism. It’s clear that if we cut taxes for the rich, they will spend more, create lots of jobs, and as a nation we will be more prosperous – you can’t argue with that! Tariffs on imports will certainly create even more jobs, eliminating the horrendous 4.1% unemployment rate. Democrat-leaning communist economists who suggest that full employment means the US will struggle to increase production to reduce imports, and will simply generate wage inflation while tariffs increase inflation, are ignorant.

Biden’s senseless squandering of America’s wealth on the lies of the climate mafia and the betrayal of the Inflation Reduction Act are a prime example of bad policy. The US now has a world-class renewable energy sector, but what good is that when the devastating clear economic salvation lies in maximizing oil and gas! Drill, baby, drill.”

From the Blue Corner

I asked one of my Democratic comrades if she would post a rebuttal. Strangely enough she refused.. “No, agree with that… we’re doing fine.” She did suggest that I not send it to the Republicans: “Bill, maybe they’ll offer you a job as a screenwriter.”

No more time, and back to the daily work…

Bill Blain

Author of the Morning Porridge, founder of Wind Shift Capital



[email protected]

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