Former Erdoan aide no longer has access to online content about him after his appointment to the Supreme Court

Former Erdoan aide no longer has access to online content about him after his appointment to the Supreme Court

Metin Kratl, a former bureaucrat who served in President Recep Tayyip Erdoan’s presidential palace and was appointed to Turkey’s Constitutional Court in July, has seen courts block access to nearly 40 pieces of online content about him, including reports and messages on social networks, the news site Bianet reported on Wednesday.

The appointment of a figure so close to Erdoan to the Supreme Court has sparked controversy and sparked a new debate over the independence of Turkey’s judiciary.

A report by Bianet is among online content censored by an Ankara court as likely to harm Kratl’s reputation and dignity.

The censored report on Kratl’s appointment to the Constitutional Court also contained accusations from Turkish mafia boss Sedat Peker about him. According to the report, Kratl was in the spotlight as the highest-paid government official in 2021, with a total monthly salary of 84,702 TL ($2,474) from three different institutions.

The report also quotes Peker as saying that it was necessary to obtain permission from Kratl, then head of the Presidential Directorate of Administrative Affairs at Erdoan’s Palace, in order to carry out billions of dollars worth of illicit trade with Syria, including crude oil, tea, sugar and aluminum. , buyer and used cars.

Peker, head of one of Turkey’s most powerful mafia groups and once a staunch supporter of Erdoan, left Turkey in early 2020 after the publication of a report on arms trafficking to Syria, which was allegedly carried out under the guise of humanitarian aid.

The mafia boss sent shockwaves across the country in the summer of 2021 with scandalous revelations on social media about state-mafia relations, drug trafficking, corruption and murders of former and current state officials and their relatives.

In Turkey, where online censorship is widespread, it is common for Erdoan and members of his family and government to ask courts to block access to news reports and social media posts critical of them.

Turkish authorities on Wednesday blocked access to Discord, a popular instant messaging app, amid allegations that the platform was used for child abuse, blackmail and online harassment. X, YouTube, Facebook and Instagram have undergone similar temporary bans in recent years and months. In August, gaming platform Roblox was also blocked over child safety concerns.

President Erdoan’s government has been accused of suppressing freedom of expression and information, with Turkey among the unfree countries in terms of internet freedom in the Internet Freedom Report 2023, published last October by the US-based non- profit organization Freedom House.

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