The American Dream Crushed by Modern Slavery in the US * WorldNetDaily * by Ron Boat

It was a typical hot day in the small Mexican town. As Jesús walked outside, the swirling air of his country road was choked with the dust of poverty, but the enthusiasm for going to America, where he would find success and fortune, was exciting and overwhelmingly anticipated.

He eagerly embraced the opportunity to leave his local neighborhood team behind with the promise of training at a prominent football camp in Los Angeles – a little boy’s dream. But like so many dreams, there is one that is not meant to be.

He soon discovers that he has been betrayed. Sold, traded for cash in the reality of a sweatshop, subjected to the grueling 18 hour work schedule as a newly acquired slave in the ‘land of opportunity’, America.

The pervasiveness of child trafficking is not new, but in America it has developed into a thriving business of slavery and death. There is an open-air market of servitude in which young boys and girls, women and men are displayed, bought and sold as property for the deviant class.

The flash of this travesty flashes warningly at the intersection of slavery and our own country’s borders, with ICE and CBP unable to keep pace with the rising sea of ​​illegal immigrants and trafficked children flooding into our country.

Whether through incompetence or willful disregard, our current liberal regime has left an indelible stain on the soul of America. By ignoring the current human trafficking problem, they have enabled the disappearance of 325,000 children. MISSING and missing. Their whereabouts and well-being are unknown except to the criminal kidnappers who now control their lives. Former Acting Director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement Tom Homan tells us that sex trafficking has increased 600% in recent years, contributing to this travesty of an immigration policy.

Under the guises of proclaimed ignorance, political correctness, or indifference, the fight against human trafficking in America remains largely unaddressed. Murderers and human thieves practice their illegal trade like a cunning animal in hiding, covered in false respectability in an accepting atmosphere of apathy.

Eric Caron, a former US Special Agent for DHS and INTERPOL, is issuing dire reports and warnings after recently traveling to the East African countries of Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Congo and Ethiopia. He trains prosecutors and law enforcement officers to recognize and combat these transnational crimes of human trafficking – many of which end their desperate journey in the urban sprawl of American cities and towns.

An estimated 12,000,000 children are trafficked worldwide, while more than 30,000,000 people worldwide are already trapped in ‘modern slavery’. More and more are finding their way into factories, sweatshops and backrooms in America.

Babies, resulting from kidnappings or forced abortions, are routinely used as satanic ritual human sacrifices. It is imperative to note that this is not limited to the grass huts of Africa or under decorated domes of a mosque jami in Iraq. Its presence exists in the United States under the upturned noses of our societal elites.

Human trafficking is on the rise as one of the most profitable crimes; last year it made over $300,000,000,000. The UN states that one in three victims of human trafficking worldwide come from Africa, while the World Health Organization reports that “organ harvesting” is widespread, with 10,000 kidneys being illegally harvested and trafficked – one every hour in this transnational crime of greed.

CNN reported in 2017 that human traffickers in Atlanta were making more than $32,000 a week, exchanging nearly $290,000,000 a year through the exploitative sex trade in their city’s darkened alleys and hotels.

Jesús’ story is true, repeated daily and dramatically recreated in the recently released film ‘City of Dreams’. It depicts the reality of being thrown into the underworld of captivity, where survival depends on enduring punishing work schedules and navigating the brutality of vicious, despicable captors. These children in America live in servitude to ruthless human traffickers and must find their way in a world of exploitation and despair.

In a conversation with one of the film’s executive directors and financiers, John Devaney, this writer gains an honest, revealing, and affirming view of those who bear the oppression of enslaved youth in this underground existence. It is a reality that many condemn impossibleYet its presence and effects are felt every day in almost every city in the country.

On the commercial side, those glam dresses or embroidered jackets that you cherish and show off may have found their way to you from slave shops in the back streets of Los Angeles or New York City.

Francisco Tzul has toiled for nearly thirty years sewing in Guatemalan, Mexican, and American garment factories, and has documented many of the problems in LA’s fashion industry. “There is a kind of modern slavery going on in the sweatshops,” says Tzul.

Even more emotionally and physically traumatizing is the sexual exploitation of young people. Whether traded from abroad or internally, the devastation of this reality is the same across America.

The dimly lit hallways of a Florida high school, characterized by the flickering streaks of fluorescent light, became the breeding ground for a troubled 14-year-old girl’s transvestism.

She befriended a classmate and was introduced to a world of compliance by a thirty-year-old man who offered his feigned support as a “father figure.” Soon this kinship changed from father to lover, showing favor to as many as 40 men a day.

Dave Hockaday would say, “Mental slavery is worse than physical slavery.”

Both are horrible, but mental slavery reduces one’s passion for life and limits one’s vision for improvement, ultimately masking the urge to free oneself from physical slavery – the captor’s goal.

The moment the slave decides that he will no longer be a slave, his chains fall. Freedom and slavery are mental states.” – Mahatma Gandhi

It is unlikely that Jesús ever knew of this praise, but its message could have served as motivation to find his own freedom from the bonds of servitude in an American city. He ultimately escaped the physical restraints of his slave owners by keeping his vision focused on the future rather than his cataclysmic condition of captivity.

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