Displaced airport passengers flock to Dover after global IT crisis

DFDS warned of waiting times of up to 120 minutes at border controls and 30 minutes at check-in on X. Dover advised passengers to ensure they had sufficient provisions with them, including water, food and prescribed medication.

At Dover, Operation Brock, a system to manage the traffic of lorries queuing to cross the Channel, was installed on the M20 towards the port.

Travel organisation Abta urged holidaymakers to check with providers whether there are any additional measures they need to take.

A spokesperson said: “We are at the start of one of the busiest travel periods as some schools finished their summer holidays yesterday and many more continue next week.

“Many people will be flying abroad to escape the unusual weather in the UK recently.

“Spain, Turkey and Greece are among the popular destinations for an overseas trip.

“If you are going on holiday this weekend – in any form – it is advisable to check with your travel company whether there are any additional measures you need to take, as some businesses are still feeling the impact of Friday’s IT outage.”

Eurotunnel warned of delays of around 30 minutes to booked times at its Folkestone terminal on Saturday morning.

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